Easy DIY chalkboard fridge!!!!!!

easy chalkboard fridge tutorial

I know I don’t normally share DIY’s and Crafts with y’all, but y’all went crazy over this chalkboard fridge when I was instagramming the process and so many of y’all asked for a tutorial that I felt like I needed to do this.   I feel I should note*** I am not a DIY blogger.  These are iPhone pics.  I am not a DIY blogger.  This chalkboard fridge is crazy easy to do.

It’s no secret, at least in my house, that I have a bit of a thing for chalkboards.  We have two in the kitchen, one upstairs across from the kids’ rooms that I leave verses, encouraging words, to-do lists etc.. on, and I have in the past made chalkboard tables and desks for the kids.  Yep, I have a bit of a thing for the chalkboard paint.

This weekend, Nathan and I were doing some rearranging in the garage, which included getting rid of a gnarly old refrigerator that came with this house and replacing it with another fridge.  This fridge is roughly 9 years old, and is the first refrigerator Nathan and I ever bought brand new.  {memories}

While rearranging, I happened upon a can of chalkboard spray paint, and an idea struck.

 chalkboard fridge!!!!!!

I quickly tacked up some blankets to protect the surrounding walls and workbench, lightly roughed up the surface of the fridge with some sandpaper, and got down to the business of spray painting the fridge with my chalkboard paint.

How to make a chalkboard fridge

It was about this point, as I took this picture to put on Instagram, that Nathan walked up…

“Should you perhaps have primed that first?” Nathan


hmmmm  ummmmmm probably” Me

* note to y’all – Sand.  THEN Prime. THEN Chalkboard spray paint

I probably should have primed first –oops.  This is what happens when you get carried away by inspiration and excitement 🙂  If it starts to peel, I’ll just re-sand, PRIME, and re-paint.  C’est La Vie.

All told – with drying time, painting, chalk rubbing, tacking cloths, and stepping out to breathe fresh air… this project from start to finish took about an hour.

So stinkin’ easy, y’all!  My kids are absolutely in love with it, and I love that we can easily keep track of what’s in the fridge, instead of them standing in the open fridge door staring. {does that drive anyone else up the wall???  Apologies to my parents for all the times that I did this, and rolled my eyes at y’all for telling me to stop doing it.  Seriously, I’m sorry.}

Here is our outdoor/garage beverage/snack fridge in all it’s chalkboard glory.

Easy DIY Chalkboard Refrigerator


DIY Chalkboard Fridge How-To 

Easy DIY Chalkboard Refrigerator

Easy DIY Chalkboard Paint Refrigerator Tutorial

How to make your refrigerator a chalkboard refrigerator
Print Recipe


  • Sanding Tools
  • Primer
  • Chalkboard Paint


  • Refrigerator
  • Sanding Tools
  • Primer - if desired
  • Chalkboard Paint


  •  Tack up cloths/towels/blankets to protect the surrounding area – Tape whatever you do not want chalkboard painted.
  •  Make sure you have good ventilation – open doors, fans, face mask etc…
  •  Lightly sand the surface of the fridge
  • Prime the fridge and let dry according to primer instructions
  • Spray the fridge with chalkboard paint (I prefer the spray paint over the can – your call) – let the coat dry.  Repeat this process, drying in between each coat.  Do NOT hold the can too close or you’ll have sad drips running down your fridge that make it look like it’s crying.
  • Once you’ve sprayed the fridge with chalkboard paint, and are happy with the coverage – allow it to dry completely.
  • Turn a piece of chalk on it’s side and rub it down the entire surface of the fridge.  Wipe that off with a dry cloth, or one of those antique things… you know – a blackboard eraser ?   This primes the surface for your chalk writing.


6 years later the only issue is that the paint on the handles wore away, but that's quickly fixed with a light re-spraying of the chalkboard paint
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale
Have fun!!

If you turn your fridge into a chalkboard fridge – or anything into a chalkboard, I’d love for you to share it with me!  You can tag me on Instagram, or Facebook, or Twitter…. I’d love to see it!



  1. Definitely would have done this if our garage fridge hadn’t died! If you want to have a different color chalkboard, you can get clear chalkboard paint at the craft store – just goes right over the other color, and it’s a little bit cheaper 🙂

    1. Hi Jessica, I do think that a sander might be too rough. It’s more labor intensive, but sandpaper is your best bet for an even sanding and not going through the exterior of the fridge.

  2. I totally love this idea. We’re getting a house and having to get a used refrigerator. My husband is set on it being black and all the ones I found are white. I will be spray painting it with chalkboard paint. How many coats did you need for yours?

    1. I think I used 3 to 4 coats of paint.. and I seem to remember needing more in some spots than others 🙂 I’d love if you’d come back and share a pic when it’s finished! If you Instagram it tag me! @sthrnfairytale 🙂

  3. I just got an old Frig. for drink an such i thought about painting it to cover the ugly! An I found your post first and I love the idea! I’m going to get paint now an get started!!!!

  4. Sorry this is an older post but thought I’d give it a shot aand ask my question. How many cans of paint did it take?

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