National Moscato Day

National Moscato Day

I don’t know if you need an excuse to have a delicious, relaxing, refreshing, cool, crisp glass of wine, but if you do… Let me introduce you to your new favorite day. The Gallo Family, yes those Gallos, have named today, May 9, 2012 – the First Annual National Moscato Day. To celebrate – they’re…



I blame Flinger for my iPhone addiction. Sitting next to her on the way home from BlissDom in 2009 her iPhone sang its siren song to me — it taunted my blackberry — I was hooked. I loved my precious. I discovered apps, Words With Friends and Angry Birds For Christmas this past year —…

Boots That Burn

Boots That Burn

(calories that is) So, if you know me, even a bit — you know that THESE are my boots They’re comfortable, super seriously comfortable and they’re cute. You also know that if I’m not wearing those boots, I’m wearing these (or the brown ones) My feet must be comfortable and cute is a nice bonus….

We have a Winner

We have a Winner

That’s right! Princess drew a comment out of daddy’s hat The Winner is… Chelsea, of PB&J in a bowl fameShe said: “I really think my Johnny Cash lovin’ daughter NEEDS a microphone” Well Chelsea, the Baby Jamz Nursery Rhymes Volume 1 CD will be on it’s way soon and there might even be something in…