Candy Cane Kiss Cookies

Candy Cane Kiss Cookies

Candy Cane Kiss Cookies. Buttery Sugar Cookies, rolled in colored sugars and topped with a candy cane kiss as they come piping hot out of the oven. Y’all, these cookies are dynamic.  They are beautiful to look at, delicious to taste and crazy simple to make. These are going in darling snowflake covered boxes to…

Oreo Truffles

Oreo Truffles

Oreo Truffles Just the word truffle is enough to turn many people away, but I promise you, this Oreo Truffle recipe is so simple and delicious that you’re going to find yourself creating reasons to make these Oreo Truffles.  Really, how can you go wrong with Oreos, cream cheese and chocolate?   These oreo truffles…

Pork Tenderloin with Orange Chipotle Marinade and Grilled Veggies
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Pork Tenderloin with Orange Chipotle Marinade and Grilled Veggies

Savor those ingredients in your mind for a moment. Pork Tenderloin. YUM. Orange Chipotle Marinade. YUM  (it’s better than you can imagine) Grilled Veggies. DROOL That’s like a triple tonguegasm there y’all. So here’s the dealio…  I was given the opportunity (iTunes giftcard) to download and review the Kraft iFood assistant app for my iPhone. …

Marinated Chilled Potato and Green Bean Salad
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Marinated Chilled Potato and Green Bean Salad

Can I get a glory, glory Hallelujah!!! Please? I FINALLY have the Tastemaker Challenge 2 recipe and video ready to share with y’all!  This video has been almost comical with the issues it’s had.  Lost camera, video software crashing, things deleting, hiccuping and flat out disappearing on me. BUT, it’s ready! This month’s Tastemaker 2K10…

Rainbow Cupcakes
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Rainbow Cupcakes

also known as Disco Groovy Tie Dye Cupcakes These are the rainbow, colorful, tie dye cupcakes that I made for Princess’ 6th birthday and took up to her school and to her Daisy Scout Meeting.  These rainbow colorful cupcakes are quite simple to make.  They take a bit more time than regular cupcakes but trust…

Sour Cream Apple Pie

Sour Cream Apple Pie

I love Thanksgiving Dinner.  The Turkey (there’s NEVER enough leftovers) my Aunt Cyndie’s super delicious marshmallow topped sweet potatoes, the creamy, subtly spicy, savory, rich, deliciously amazing jalapeno corn pudding and the sour cream apple pie. I am not traditionally a fan of apple pies, the cloying gooey sweetness of the filling and the traditionally…