Sour Cream Apple Pie

Sour Cream Apple Pie

I love Thanksgiving Dinner.  The Turkey (there’s NEVER enough leftovers) my Aunt Cyndie’s super delicious marshmallow topped sweet potatoes, the creamy, subtly spicy, savory, rich, deliciously amazing jalapeno corn pudding and the sour cream apple pie. I am not traditionally a fan of apple pies, the cloying gooey sweetness of the filling and the traditionally…

PMS Crunch
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PMS Crunch

Chocolatey, Crunchy, Sweet, Salty, Rich, Butterscotch… Tonguegasmic.  This snack, this crunchy delight is perfect for anytime but, even best for that time of the month when you need the sweet, the salt, the crunch, the richness… the only thing it doesn’t have is heat.. but, you could add a dash of cayenne if you wanted…