Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Corpus Christi got an icing this week, they’re calling it the most significant arctic blast in Corpus Christi’s history. Ice Dancing Ice-erpillar Do you see a frog?* No Fish For You A Crack in The Door Still uploading my BlissDom pictures — you can find them here Go visit one of my favorite people, Lotus,…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Baby It’s Cold Outside Pure Joy It’s a Family Tradition Cheers Happy 2011, y’all! I hope 2011 brings each of you joy, love, laughter, friendship, peace, happiness and blessings beyond measure. ***iPhoto is still killing me. If anyone is a Mac guru or knows anything about iPhoto and recovery etc… I’d love some help!  Yesterday…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

I have so many winners this week. And yet…. at this moment, they’re lost somewhere…. Carbonite is whirring away. I know this because I can hear it. I chatted, they took control, they’re/it’s  working and I’m hoping and praying that they have the magic and the oomph to recover Princess’ First grade program pictures. The…

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Plate of Comfort Colts Lovin’ Texas Girl It’s The Chalkboard Punkin’, Y’all Ambiance Jumpin’ For Joy Go be inspired or spooked over at Weekly Winners with Lotus There’s still time to enter to win the Pyrex Giveaway of Kitchen Fabulousness (until 10PM tonight, Halloween)

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

Flickering Jack Going For The Gold Snow White Thanks, Mishi!!! Disco Monkey I’m challenging myself this next week to spend time re-reading my camera manual, talking to friends, asking questions of those who inspire me and challenging myself to take more pictures in different ways. To see one of my biggest inspirations and wonderful friend, …

Weekly Winners

Weekly Winners

A mere glimpse into the past week Freckles R Us The Entrance Postcards from Cozumel Under the Sea First Family Photo in 2 Years What’cha Talkin’ ‘Bout, Mon? Two Belle’s and a Lola meet up on a cruise ship The Last Sunrise (also known as Sunday Morning) Only 696 more pictures to go through. These…