She Shimmers

She Shimmers

  She lays her head in my lap and asks me to braid her hair. I weave my fingers through silky gold strands and remember when they were little more than feathery tufts.  She holds my hand and talks of dolls and books, of science and world hunger.  She shimmers between childhood and womanhood.  …

Goodnight 10

Goodnight 10

The tie dye cake cones are cooling on the rack. The red velvet cake cones are nearly ready to come out of the oven. You’ve just come down for one more kiss, one last joke, one more hug, a few minutes more… I hug you, I laugh, I kiss you, and I nudge you upstairs…….



“Mom, Can you believe I’m going to be Eight?” “No, no my darling girl — I can’t”   Wasn’t this just yesterday?   So much has changed, So much still the same. The moment you saw the ocean,  it was true love. You were a water baby, and now you’re a Boogie Boardin’ Diva.  Even…

Hello, Seven

Hello, Seven

Seven. It’s my favorite number. I once thought I wanted to name my daughter, Seven.  (I was 12) Tonight, as I kissed you goodnight  I said: “Goodnight Six” The look you gave me–good grief child, you’re so me. I’d like you to stop now, please. Happy Birthday, Princess. You scare me. You make me proud….


Cha Cha

The Last night of our Carnival Cruise they hosted a Camp Carnival Kids Talent Show, I’ll share more video later, like Monkey break dancing… it’s awesome. However, it’s Friday and everyone needs an ear worm and a smile. Enjoy Princess (in the turquoise dress) rockin’ with the other kids to Cha Cha Slide. Those moves…

A Moment

A Moment

She’s my little girl. My kindergartner. It’s only been a blink, a mere 6 years of flashing blue eyes and heart capturing giggles. Her pink freckled cheeks still clinging to the softness of childhood. Her blue eyes that still light up when Daddy walks in. Balancing on the precipice. She’s still my little girl. And…


Princess has had a big few weeks milestone-wise that is. She lost her second tooth, started reading chapter books and while at Mr. Lady’s house for Easter, she got on a BIG BMX bike belonging to 3of3 and took off. No training wheels. (cue mom fainting) I’m not sure who had more fun or got…