Blogust 2015 – Be The Difference

Blogust 2015 – Be The Difference

The past couple of Augusts I’ve participated in Shot@Life’s Blogust campaign by tweeting the #Blogust hashtag, and by sharing stories like this one about Princess Facing The World Head On. During Shot@Life’s Blogust 2015—a month-long blog relay—some of North America’s most beloved online writers, photo and video bloggers and Shot@Life Champions come together and share…

This Morning #LoveForNoah

This morning I crawled into bed with Monkey and nuzzled his sleep tousled hair, kissed his pillow creased cheeks and inhaled the smell of small, sleeping, content boy. This lasted mere seconds before Nathan swooped in and started tickling and waking Monkey with smiles and laughter. This morning, I brushed Princess hair and helped her…

Making a Difference

Making a Difference

Sometimes the pivotal moments in life, the epiphanies come out of nowhere. Last Thursday we woke the kids up to watch an amazing lightning storm out on the horizon and then everyone went back to bed/reading/baking/TV. and then … 80 mph winds, hail, tornados and craziness. We ran out of our house to check on…


Ready, Set, Milestone

Weren’t we just moving you into a big boy bed? and now. You’re growing, changing, moving faster than my heart. Ready. (wait, let me get my camera) Set (hold on, let me change my settings) Be.  Still.  My.  Heart. No Training Wheels Bike vs. Neighbor’s Brush Guard aka Thank God For Helmets Even at 5,…

Let Me Be Enough

You’ll never know what happens in the hours after I’ve fussed at you, after you’ve cried and I’ve come and explained myself and we’ve come to terms. You’ll never know that after we’ve kissed and hugged and said our ‘I love you’s’ and I’ve reassured you, yet again, that while I will always love you, there will…