What a Wednesday

What a Wednesday

Today, this little boy, my 5 year old Monkey, is having root canals and other preventative dental work. I could go on and on and on about how this makes me feel like I’ve failed my son in some way, like I’m less of a parent…. but I won’t. I will ask that you pray…

Friday Fun

Friday Fun

Just a little fun from my two favorite boys. We’re on the road today headed towards my brother’s wedding!!!  He’s getting married at the Waco Zoo tomorrow.  I’m SO excited!   What Friday Fun do y’all have to share?  I’d love to hear it. and don’t forget about Deanna’s Food Foto Friday

When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up

“Rachel, I don’t want you to grow up” – Granny, to a young me my response “Why Granny, Won’t you love me when I’m bigger?” I don’t know how old I was at the time of that conversation, and I don’t remember her response to me, but now that I have my own children –…

One Thousand

One Thousand

One Thousand Posts This is the One Thousandth post on this blog. One thousand notes, recipes, tidbits, pictures, random thoughts… One thousand moments of my life our lives recorded here. I admit, I had no idea what I was doing when I started From The Land of Monkeys and Princesses I had no clue when…


The other night we were at a friend’s house relaxing when the back door flew open and Monkey came barreling into the room, his little face bright red and his eyes sparking with anger, tears and that wicked gleam that only appears when tattling on a sibling… Following coolly and calmly on his heels, is…


Ready, Set, Milestone

Weren’t we just moving you into a big boy bed? and now. You’re growing, changing, moving faster than my heart. Ready. (wait, let me get my camera) Set (hold on, let me change my settings) Be.  Still.  My.  Heart. No Training Wheels Bike vs. Neighbor’s Brush Guard aka Thank God For Helmets Even at 5,…

Family Tradition

Every year, Nathan and I put the kids in the car, grab a pizza and drinks, put on Christmas music and drive around looking at Christmas lights for hours.  We’ve done this since Princess was 1 year old – it’s something we all look forward to.  It’s as much a part of our Christmas as…