Kitchen Magic

Kitchen Magic

The school year has wound down and it’s definitely been an eventful last half of the school year for our family.  A life changing decision, a whirlwind move to a new city, new neighborhood, new schools.  The kids had their legs swept right out from under them, and they’ve been wonderful about it. While the…



  This is my fridge – it is COMPLETELY empty and clean, clean, clean!!! {so fresh and so clean clean} Y’all, I haven’t cooked in a week 🙁  I can feel it in my soul and in my body. I have given food from my fridge and pantry to friends. Tomorrow the moving truck and…

It Begins

It Begins

  The first load is on its way to Katy and the kids and I are following it in a few minutes. Today I attended their last East Scholars assembly and it was bittersweet.  So much excitement on the horizon, but I got tears in my eyes as I took a picture of Princess with…

This Morning #LoveForNoah

This morning I crawled into bed with Monkey and nuzzled his sleep tousled hair, kissed his pillow creased cheeks and inhaled the smell of small, sleeping, content boy. This lasted mere seconds before Nathan swooped in and started tickling and waking Monkey with smiles and laughter. This morning, I brushed Princess hair and helped her…

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Six S-I-X How is that possible? Even as I type the words, I can’t believe it. Even after you came barreling into my bedroom this morning at 4:45AM (thank-you-very-much) screaming – “It’s my birthday!!! I’m SIX TODAY!”   I still can’t believe that it’s been six years since I first held you in my arms….