The time has come…

The time has come…

“The time has come,” the Walrus said,“To talk of many things:Of shoes–and ships–and sealing-wax–Of cabbages–and kings–And why the sea is boiling hot–And whether pigs have wings.” ~ Lewis Caroll, 1872 Okay, so it’s not that time.But because I am not raising the next Billy Ray Cyrus And I can do this, and he looks cute,…

They Call Him The Streak

They Call Him The Streak

No, seriously.Monkey is a full fledged streaking exhibitionist.He is also totally anti diaper. He has perfected not only the strip, flip and roll (similar to stop drop and roll, but one saves lives and the other annoys moms) technique of diaper removal featured below. He has also fully mastered the strip off all clothing and…

In Memory.

In Memory.

A spark began the day you were born With each day, this spark grew brighter and stronger One day love was found These two sparks combined and became a fire… The strongest fire. Love’s fire. From this fire, new sparks arose these sparks burn brightly because of you. Your fire will never be extinguished. Because…

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye

We made a wish, and you came true.We made a wish, God gave us you. I blinked and in that second…my baby grew up into a beautiful little girl. November 18, 2003, four short years ago.A princess arrived and changed our lives forever.You are amazing, funny, intelligent, talented, kind, charming and strong.I see glimpses in…

Party Day. Part Two.

The Birthday Princess.Mom! It’s Princesses and it’s HUGE!!! Her reaction to each gift was priceless.Due to the rain, the pinata was inside. I cut the top off and tossed it into the air, the candy flew everywhere. These kids are better than any vacuum.The kids who would stand still long enough to take a picture.Taking…