Two Little Words

Two Little Words

“What was the best part of your day today?”   That’s what I ask my kids and their friends when I pick them up from school each day. The answers range from: “It was library day!” to “I sat next to X at lunch today”  to “I helped X in PE/Art/Music” to “My teacher smiled at me”…

Goodnight 10

Goodnight 10

The tie dye cake cones are cooling on the rack. The red velvet cake cones are nearly ready to come out of the oven. You’ve just come down for one more kiss, one last joke, one more hug, a few minutes more… I hug you, I laugh, I kiss you, and I nudge you upstairs…….

Who Needs Caffeine?

Who Needs Caffeine?

Yesterday started just like every other school day this year has. I woke up, went in to wake both kids up, washed my face, brushed my teeth… went in to wake both kids up, again. After ensuring that both kids were physically out of bed, eyes open, and moving towards getting dressed and making beds;…

Saying Goodbye

Saying Goodbye

Today, we say goodbye to one of the most important Moms in my life, my Granny. Mary Cecil Trew April 18, 1920 – April 16, 2014 Today, family and friends will gather in a small stone chapel in Bryan, and celebrate a woman who celebrated life and all that it had to offer.  We will…

Cook Me A Memory

Cook Me A Memory

The kitchen is the heart of our home. The kitchen has been the heart of every home I’ve ever lived in. People gathered around the island, cozied up to the countertop bar, or even crammed in the door and leaning through the little pass through in my tiny first apartment with my husband. Preparing food…