When Mom Says No
A conversation between the 3 year old Monkey and Me. Monkey: “Mom, why do you tell me No so much?” Me: “Because I care about you” (short easy mom answer) Without missing a beat…. Monkey: ” You sure care about me a lot”

Happy Daddy’s Day
Happy Daddy’s Day to my Daddy, the first man in my life and the one against whom all boys were measured. You taught me about laughter and love and owning up to your mistakes. Thank you, I love you. Happy Daddy’s day to my best friend, the love of my life and the father of…

For My Daughter on Her Last Day of Kindergarten
I can’t believe it’s here; your last day of kindergarten. It seems like just yesterday that I wrote this post about your first day of kindergarten. You have grown and changed so much this year, experienced so many milestones: learned to read (and holy cow do you read! I think you read better than your…

Through My Daughter’s Eyes
Seeing myself through my daughter’s eyes. It’s telling*, it’s poignant, it’s beautiful, and it’s a piece of paper that I’ll treasure forever. Thank you to all the teachers who take the time to do projects like this with your students. *my eyes are blue-ish green

When a Monkey Gets Hungry
Yesterday I put some delicious pineapple chicken on the grill, closed the lid and went inside. Five minutes later, I walked outside to billowing smoke and flames shooting from the grill. I yelled and wrenched the dials to off and while I’m pulling the chicken off the grill (thank goodness I left the tongs outside!) …

A Moment
She’s my little girl. My kindergartner. It’s only been a blink, a mere 6 years of flashing blue eyes and heart capturing giggles. Her pink freckled cheeks still clinging to the softness of childhood. Her blue eyes that still light up when Daddy walks in. Balancing on the precipice. She’s still my little girl. And…

Happy Birthday, Daddy.
Happy First Day of the Last Year of This Decade of Your Life. (that’s about right, sounds exactly like something you’d say) I baked a German Chocolate Cake last night. I wish that we lived closer so that I could have surprised you with it. I can’t. So, I took a picture of it, ate…
For Piper of Love
I We have a friend. A woman whose fiery hair is a mere hint of the fire that lies within her heart. The passion and strength of her love for her friends and family is awe inspiring. The sound of her laughter draws people in. The smile on her lips enchants you and the wicked…
Princess has had a big few weeks milestone-wise that is. She lost her second tooth, started reading chapter books and while at Mr. Lady’s house for Easter, she got on a BIG BMX bike belonging to 3of3 and took off. No training wheels. (cue mom fainting) I’m not sure who had more fun or got…