Under The Sea

Under The Sea

On Thursday, Nathan and I took advantage of the day in the Grand Cayman’s and the awesomeness that is Camp Carnival (truly) Monkey  has a major fan in the precious Daniela from Romania; she loves him and he can’t get enough of her) to enjoy a day to ourselves. This is our first REAL vacation…

My Little Mer-Man

My Little Mer-Man

My little Mer-Man. He is loving the saltwater pools and the sun. He’s discovered that there are places where you can get unlimited cinnamon buns and waffles (insanely good waffles) with hot syrup and bacon and chicken strips and hot dogs. Where drinks can be served in coconuts and whale tails and you can build-a-stuffed-best-friend…

Can We Go Now, Please???

Can We Go Now, Please???

So we’re swimming in the pool, slidin’ down the GIANT slide, watching a 2 story conga line when Princess tugs on my bathing suit and says: “Mom, can we go back to Camp Carnival now, Please” You could have knocked me over with a feather. She wanted to leave the Cruise Ship Deck of Awesome…

Happy Cruisers

We’re in heaven. Miles and Miles and Miles of Ocean surrounding us. Waters bluer than I’ve ever seen before. Surrounded by the sounds of laughter and joy and fun and peace. I have so many pictures and stories to tell and share, but the internet connection can’t compete with the call of the sea and…

Four Years

Four Years

It’s a mere blip and an eternity. Four years ago, right now.. 11:04 PM September 19th, 2006 I was flirting with sleep. We admitted ourselves (me) to the L&D unit to be induced. Pitocin on board, I sent your dad to Wendy’s because I was starvin’ and that sounded sooo good.  (silly me, I assumed…

The Chair

The Chair

Her room is a delicate girl-y room filled with ribbons and bows and lace and sparkles. Her walls painted colors with names like Tinkerbell and Ballerina. Gauzy sheer white curtains embroidered with pink flowers and sequins frame the window over her white wrought iron bed, the bed that I laid my own head on as…



“Mom, Princess is annoying me” “What is she doing?” “She’s doing this {cue Monkey breathing deep exaggerated breaths in his nose and out his mouth}” “You mean, she’s breathing while she’s sleeping?” “YES and it’s annoying ME!”