39 Years

39 Years

39 years ago. January 27, 1976.   God started your story, which has become our story. You chose me, and even thought I fought it at first – our love story was, is, my destiny. From late nights on the phone, swimming, Joe’s Crab Shack, long distances, and pagers… Our love story is my favorite….



Twelve Years 5 cities 8 houses 2 amazing children Nathan, You’re my best friend.  My biggest supporter and my constant cheerleader. You believe in me even when I don’t.  You make me believe that I can do anything I want, if I’ll only try. You are Monkey’s favorite playmate, and the most wonderful role model…

Eleven Years

Eleven Years

I think this is the very first picture ever taken of us together, December 31, 1998.  That was Fourteen years ago.  FOURTEEN YEARS.   Eleven Years ago, we stood side by side smiling and laughing, ready to make it official in the eyes of God (PaPa’s words) Eleven years later – I sit at the…



Nine years ago I walked arm in arm with my dad, giggling and breathless and excited. I couldn’t wait to get to the end of that aisle, to you, my soon-to-be husband, the man that had chosen me. Nine years ago I laughed as the pastor repeated; “They both said, ‘I Do‘”  I snorted and…