Monkey Tongue

Monkey Tongue

No, I’m not talking recipes either. I’m talking Monkey, as in my 2 year old. The climbing, running, hyper-never-stops-moving-has-to-be-kept-in-crib-by-a-crib-tent kind of Monkey. Yesterday while I was cleaning house I heard a thud. Followed by a scream Followed by a louder, much louder, blood curdling, bone chilling holycrapi’mreallyhurt kind of heart stopping scream. I dropped the…

Happy 2nd Birthday Monkey

Happy 2nd Birthday Monkey

Happy Second Birthday My Darling Little Monkey!! September 20th, 2006. 12:26 PM. 19 1/2″ and 7 pounds of bruised, bloody, pissed off baby, that’s how you came into this world.In a hurry and you haven’t stopped moving since, you were in such a hurry that you beat the tar out of yourself coming into this…