Do You Boo?
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Do You Boo?

Do you Boo? As best I can tell, Boo-ing is a southern tradition.  It seems to be as southern as monogrammed yetis, golf carts at pickup, apple pie, and maroon vs orange.  (Gig ’em!) This kind of Boo-ing  isn’t the kind that you do when you jump out of the shadows and scream “Boo”  at…



NINE!  How are you already nine years old? It was just a minute ago that you were a tee-tiny little newborn nestled in my arms. From the moment you entered this world, you made yourself known.  Even though you were only 6 lbs, you were already a force to be reckoned with.

Blogust 2015 – Be The Difference

Blogust 2015 – Be The Difference

The past couple of Augusts I’ve participated in Shot@Life’s Blogust campaign by tweeting the #Blogust hashtag, and by sharing stories like this one about Princess Facing The World Head On. During Shot@Life’s Blogust 2015—a month-long blog relay—some of North America’s most beloved online writers, photo and video bloggers and Shot@Life Champions come together and share…

39 Years

39 Years

39 years ago. January 27, 1976.   God started your story, which has become our story. You chose me, and even thought I fought it at first – our love story was, is, my destiny. From late nights on the phone, swimming, Joe’s Crab Shack, long distances, and pagers… Our love story is my favorite….

She Shimmers

She Shimmers

  She lays her head in my lap and asks me to braid her hair. I weave my fingers through silky gold strands and remember when they were little more than feathery tufts.  She holds my hand and talks of dolls and books, of science and world hunger.  She shimmers between childhood and womanhood.  …