I Love Them

I Love Them

Every day of my children’s lives I’ve told them that I love them. I love their fearlessness and the way the jump headfirst into whatever life sends their way   I love their silliness and boundless enthusiasm and joy I love how Princess gets lost in books and in her artwork and journaling, yet just…

Tis The Season

Tis The Season

For Baking and Cooking and sharing your favorite flavors and treats with loved ones. This Pumpkin Cake with Vanilla Bean Cream Cheese Frosting is one of my favorite treats to make for absolutely no reason at all, except that it’s the holiday season and during this time of year I find myself unable to resist…

How to Host a Holiday Baking Party (and not lose your mind) Plus a Breville Giveaway!

How to Host a Holiday Baking Party (and not lose your mind) Plus a Breville Giveaway!

I love the Holiday season, the sights, the smells, the music, the parties… One of my favorite holiday memories from childhood are the baking parties my parents would host. Family friends would come over and bring their favorite cookie recipes (or already baked cookies) and we would spend hours baking, decorating, laughing, eating and making…

Thank You

Thank You

  I love words. Written. Spoken. Sung. I have always had an obsession with words.  I have been fascinated with them for as long as I can remember. Our words are one of the most powerful things we have.  With our words we can lift someone up, we can shatter them, we can change everything…

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Six S-I-X How is that possible? Even as I type the words, I can’t believe it. Even after you came barreling into my bedroom this morning at 4:45AM (thank-you-very-much) screaming – “It’s my birthday!!! I’m SIX TODAY!”   I still can’t believe that it’s been six years since I first held you in my arms….