Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

– It is not happy people who are thankful, but thankful people who are happy – I hope that you and yours are enjoying some delicious food, time with loved ones, and giving Thanks in whichever way you choose. We are cooking, eating, laughing, playing, climbing trees, watching football, and tonight, we’re going to see…

Scouting the Scouts

Scouting the Scouts

I get to do some really neat things with my kids because of this blog of mine; and getting to scout out a local chapter of the Boy Scouts of America with Monkey was a BLAST!  Thank you,Boy Scouts of America for this fun opportunity with my little man. I received an invitation this summer…

Lunchbox Love

Lunchbox Love

 How do you master the lunchbox?  Do you pack lunches a week at a time, do you include notes, sandwiches cut in fun shapes? One of my lunchbox traditions is to write a note on a napkin or paper towel and put it into the kids’ lunch boxes every day.  Some days it’s a drawing,…