Scrolling Saturday

Scrolling Saturday

This post was originally posted in November of 2007. It’s a part of Scrolling Saturdays which is sponsored by Melissa at Such Simple Pleasures. The premise is simple, do you have a post that didn’t get enough blog love in your opnion? Are you lazy Do you just not have time to post something original…

Tour ‘ku

Tour ‘ku

Friday alreadytime flies, days gone, weekend hereFriday, full of plans Big day today forPrincess begins gymnasticsthe first class at 10 Let’s tour the blog worldFussy wants you to fight Frumpgo see, go comment Le Binky Bitch wantsto know your domestic quirkshelp her out, show love The darling JJreminds us it’s the 15thgo frisk yourself now!…


I have not abandoned my blog or all my wonderful readers and friends. I am posting this from my palm centro because we have had spotty internet service since coming home yesterday. I hope tomorrow we’ll be back to normal. if only you could see me! i’m shaking my fists in frustration at TWC Roadrunner….

Busy, Busy Ku

Busy, Busy Ku

A busy daynow spreading out before mewake and feed the kids hook up the strollerwalk a few miles with my girlswalk back to my house shower, make sandwichusing chicken fried elk steakisn’t that healthy take sandwich to hubsgo pick up new pink palm phonego in town, Target Hit the funky store,buy mom cute new glasses….

Worst Day of My Life

Worst Day of My Life

That’s what that blonde haired, blue-eyed, freckle faced little princess informed me this morning. First time was 8:00 AM, second time was 10:45 AM and the third time so far was 11:10 AM.Why you ask? Well because obviously I am Mommie Dearest and Mrs. Hannigan all rolled into one deliciously maliciously fantastically evil mommy package.Let’s…

Parent’s love – Haiku

Parent’s love – Haiku

Once there were twoa boy and a girl in lovebut they wanted more inside her, you grewswirling, kicking and growinganticipation then, two became threea little girl, daddy’s girla gift, a blessing depths of emotionnever before realizedlove for your own child powerful, almostindescribable in wordslove, pure, true, honest Fast forward, four yearshappiness, joy, tears, laughteryou are…

Let it Snow?

Let it Snow?

That’s right. Didn’t you hear? It snowed last week in South Texas. Or at least it did at my house.Who needs real snow and 30 degree weather, when you have mom’s shredder and 70 degree weather?Another one of those parenting moments where I have two choices. A) yell and get mad because he has dumped…