One Dim Bulb

One Dim Bulb

Seriously y’all. There are times that I’m dimmer than a Scooby Doo Night Light.I was talking to my Dad the day after Princess got stung by the jellyfish. I mentioned that we took her to a Pirate themed restaurant to eat afterwards to cheer her up and he asked me if there was a guy…

Bite Me, Roadrunner

Bite Me, Roadrunner

That’s right. After months of ‘We don’t knows’ and ‘Everything is fine on our end’ and 2 more days of no internet…. TWC has decided they have to send out a technician to get me back online…. Tuesday … sometime. Yes, please can I put my whole life on hold for an entire day so…

All Fall Down…

All Fall Down…

Like Toy Soldiers….Or like one mom painting her bathroom and losing her footing and falling off the counter. Resulting in a gashed open shin with a beautifully flowering bruise and badly bruised ribs to match. Yep, that’s me.Apparently my body felt the need to one up both kids.UGH.And Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner is still…

The Hunt is On

The Hunt is On

If you’re a child of the 80’s and early 90’s then this song is now playing in your head.But that’s not what today is about.The supremely talented duo of Amy and Sarah have created this brilliant and unique ‘Treasure Hunt’ around the blogosphere.You click HERE to start playing and dive in to a brand new…

Haiku To You, Too

Haiku To You, Too

Oh Doctor’s OfficeWhy tell me 9:45but mean 11:00? The waiting, not funHard to keep them entertainedwhen there are no toys Finally, we’re inPneumonia is improvingConfirms the pinkeye Discover she needsher 4 year vaccinationsThat kid has got lungs suckers and stickersand now they are both all smilesoff to fill the scrip How much for eye drops?and…

Haiku Cryku Friday

Haiku Cryku Friday

Being a mommy,to have your heart existingoutside your body to feel your heart breakwith every tear that fallsfrom bright shining eyes to laugh and to crywith their first step, their first wordto worry… when, when When will they walk, talkto constantly compare themto every other what are they doingthat maybe I’m not doing?Why their child,…