I Am The Swamp Thing

I Am The Swamp Thing

Or at least I feel like the Swamp Thing. Phenergren and Nyquil rule my days and nights. I spent all day yesterday trying not to move because moving = vomiting.Phenergren helped that. Nyquil knocked me out for the night and today I am still hungover. It’s amazing that 4 Nyquil barely touch my husband and…

The Hidden Me

The Hidden Me

Hiding deep insidethe recesses of my heartcorners of my mind There hides a womanMe. The one I will become.An uphill battle. Going back to Godrediscovering His GraceOpening my Heart I’m unhappy withwhat the mirror shows methat’s not who I am I will exerciseboth my body and my mindI will shed the pounds I will shed…

The Hidden Me

The Hidden Me

Hiding deep insidethe recesses of my heartcorners of my mind There hides a womanMe. The one I will become.An uphill battle. Going back to Godrediscovering His GraceOpening my Heart I’m unhappy withwhat the mirror shows methat’s not who I am I will exerciseboth my body and my mindI will shed the pounds I will shed…

This is DQ Country

The other day I was driving from Houston to Dallas, a most UN-inspiring stretch of road if ever there was one, listening to the sounds of Dora mesmerizing Knute in the backseat. At mile marker 203 on I-45 north I glanced at the batwatch. It was just after noon. This was, without a doubt synchronized…

What the holy hell?

What the holy hell?

Conversation held 15 minutes ago in my living room. Me: “Nathan, Princess says she has a bug in her ear Nathan: …. giving me crazy look Me: She said she thinks there’s something in her ear and it’s probably a bug like the neighbor guy had Nathan: … more of a crazy disturbed look Me:…