Monkey and The Beach

Monkey and The Beach

Sometimes, all you need is a picture. Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek SOOO, in other happenings. I got infected yesterday. With an ugly, slimy, vicious green and black monster, or at least that’s what it looks like in my mind. You see, around 7PM last night I was happily Stumbling and Twittering and Composing drafts…

Keep Believing

Angie needs your prayers and support. Angie, is one of the strongest and most positive women that I’ve ever come across. Through her husband Brian’s struggles with cancer she has remained positive and encouraging and has always “Kept Believing” It is how the internet knows her, she is the believer and she reminds us all…

Wax On, Wax Off?

Wax On, Wax Off?

I go every couple of weeks to get my caterpillars eyebrows waxed at my local nail place and while I love these people and how sweet they are to my kids, they’re starting to give me a bit of a complex. I enter to chiming cowbells and enthusiastic greetings and  “Warren” leads me back to…



While reading the gloriously heartbreaking and beautifully eloquent post by Mr. Lady, which you must read and then come right back here, or stay here and then go there, whatever I was reminded of something I had written 3 years ago after we lost my mother in law. I wrote it for her mom, Grace,…