I’m Talking to You

I’m Talking to You

Yes, You! and You! and oh yes, YOU! I see you back there, hiding in your reader, scrolling via phone .. well, today, I’m talking to you! Do you know what today is? Well, apparently it’s National Delurker Day.  See, it even has it’s own graphic and everything. Thanks to RudeCactus for the graphic and…

Hasta La Bye Bye 2009

Hasta La Bye Bye 2009

2009 is slinking it’s tired, ragged self around the corner and 2010 is looming on the horizon with it’s bright shiny hopefulness.  Ready to fulfill all of our dreams and exceed all of our expectations. Do you face it with Hope?  Trepidation? Are you facing it head on or with shoulders slumped in resignation? I’m…

I Still Believe

I Still Believe

I still believe in Santa. In the Magic, the beauty, the meaning, the giving, the feeling that surrounds this time of year. Whether you believe and share the Magic of the Man; Santa, Father Christmas, Pierre Noel, or simply share and believe in the magic, the giving, the sharing, the generosity of the season… It…

Lauren’s Story

Lauren’s Story

I remember the pamphlet my parents gave me when I was six and my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was illustrated with colorful pictures of happy people and sad people, of healthy people and sick people, of normal cells and cancerous cells.  The drawings of the cells were what fascinated me.  There were…