Capturing Bliss

Capturing Bliss

One of my favorite parts about conferences is coming back home and reflecting.  Reading over my notes, reading my friends’ notes, IM’g, Skype-ing, and Twittering about all the ideas, inspiration and information whirling and swirling inside our heads. Capturing the moments, both in words and images and then sharing them – that is a powerful…

Why Blissdom?

Why Blissdom?

Because Surprises Learning Food   Laughter Friends The Memories   BlissDom ’11 from Blissful Media Group on Vimeo. Why Blissdom?  Because of everything you see in those images and that video and more. Because after months and years online, to hug, hold hands with, laugh with, cry with and share experiences with the people whose…

Prepping for Bliss

Prepping for Bliss

  Yes, I squee’d when I got my Prep for Bliss package yesterday! Thank you so much to all the wonderful Blissdom Sponsors for all those wonderful little goodies! Are you going?  Let me know in the comments and PLEASE leave me your twitter URL so I can make sure I’m following you! PS –…

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Sister Schubert’s Gift Basket Giveaway

Wednesday I shared my absolutely tonguegasmic Toasted Mini Baguettes with Turkey, Swiss Cheese and Caramelized Onions recipe that I created using Sister Schubert’s new Mini Baguettes, and in November I shared the Turkey Salad Stuffed Soft Pretzel Rolls Recipe with y’all. Today, along with the fabulous people at Sister Schubert’s, I’m thrilled to announce that…