

Perhaps you’ve heard of a little site by the name of Pinterest.       I’ll admit right now that I’m a complete Pinterest addict; If you don’t believe me, just check out any one of my 26 Pinterest boards or 1200+ pins 😉 Maybe you’ve also heard of a little site by the name…

Making a Difference

Making a Difference

Sometimes the pivotal moments in life, the epiphanies come out of nowhere. Last Thursday we woke the kids up to watch an amazing lightning storm out on the horizon and then everyone went back to bed/reading/baking/TV. and then … 80 mph winds, hail, tornados and craziness. We ran out of our house to check on…

National Moscato Day

National Moscato Day

I don’t know if you need an excuse to have a delicious, relaxing, refreshing, cool, crisp glass of wine, but if you do… Let me introduce you to your new favorite day. The Gallo Family, yes those Gallos, have named today, May 9, 2012 – the First Annual National Moscato Day. To celebrate – they’re…

When I Grow Up

When I Grow Up

“Rachel, I don’t want you to grow up” – Granny, to a young me my response “Why Granny, Won’t you love me when I’m bigger?” I don’t know how old I was at the time of that conversation, and I don’t remember her response to me, but now that I have my own children –…

One Thousand

One Thousand

One Thousand Posts This is the One Thousandth post on this blog. One thousand notes, recipes, tidbits, pictures, random thoughts… One thousand moments of my life our lives recorded here. I admit, I had no idea what I was doing when I started From The Land of Monkeys and Princesses I had no clue when…