Chorizo and Roasted Poblano Thanksgiving Dressing Recipe
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Chorizo and Roasted Poblano Thanksgiving Dressing Recipe

To stuff or not to stuff, that is the question. Okay, it’s not really the question, but let us settle something once and for all. It’s stuffing if it’s stuffed inside the bird, and it’s dressing if it’s baked casserole style and served as a side dish.   Like that beautiful cast iron skillet full…

Spicy Grilled Shrimp Quesadillas with Smoky Avocado Cream Sauce
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Spicy Grilled Shrimp Quesadillas with Smoky Avocado Cream Sauce

I want to thank California Avocados for sponsoring this post, and helping me to share my passion for avocados and delicious food with y’all. I vividly remember my first quesadilla and I can promise you it’s not what you’re imagining. I bet y’all think it was smoky, spicy, crisp, and I enjoyed it on some…

Kitchen Magic

Kitchen Magic

The school year has wound down and it’s definitely been an eventful last half of the school year for our family.  A life changing decision, a whirlwind move to a new city, new neighborhood, new schools.  The kids had their legs swept right out from under them, and they’ve been wonderful about it. While the…