Of course we had to take this photo opp in Key West.

The Flying Monkeys Saloon

Flying Monkeys Saloon - KW FL-0164

When in The Bahamas, one gets wrapped and then spends the day admiring ones new wrap in every reflective surface.

hair wrapping-0174


Tooting his own Conch (horn)

blowing on his conch


We are up way early this morning so that we can be downstairs and off the ship as quickly as possible so that we can go on a Catamaran and Snorkle trip with the kids in Nassau.  I have my waterproof camera and the excitement level in our stateroom this morning is really high.

Huge thank you to Carnival for sending my family on this Eastern Caribbean Cruise, we’ve already made so many memories, and had so many moments of pure joy and relaxation. You can follow along on twitter and facebook by searching for the #cruisingcarnival hashtag that I, and many others, are using.


    1. The kids are having a blast! We all are. Sadly, weather canceled the snorkeling, but we still had an amazing day! That just means we have to cruise again, right?!!!

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