One of my favorite parts about conferences is coming back home and reflecting.  Reading over my notes, reading my friends’ notes, IM’g, Skype-ing, and Twittering about all the ideas, inspiration and information whirling and swirling inside our heads.

Capturing the moments, both in words and images and then sharing them – that is a powerful and beautiful thing.

I haven’t yet written my recap – I’m still swirling.

I want to see your recaps, hear your thoughts and share the images, words, ideas and everything that moved you, changed you, inspired you and has your heart on fire.

Please link them up here and then visit each other, too.

You know those people you didn’t meet – you’ll meet them here in the recaps.


  1. I TOTALLY should have followed you guys around!! I brought my camera..ahem..didn’t take ONE picture. None. Zip. Zilch. Nada. Totally intimidated with that thing. hahaha. Great seeing your beautiful face.

  2. You really were one of my favorite people that I met even though I think I had less than a minute with you. I think I was just a little intimidated and didn’t get the nerve up to talk to you until the last day … my loss for sure! Next time … 😉

  3. My Bliss recap… when I finally write it… well… it’s gonna be short.

    Not enough Bliss for me this year because I left early, but am so grateful for the hugs and the love and the time spent with people I adore. Can we do it again in a few weeks?

  4. I am SO bummed I didn’t meet you! I recognized you on the last day as we were heading out of the hotel, but it was in the vendor area and too much going on.

    Next year! Thanks for the great blog!

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