Candy Cane Kiss Cookies.

Buttery Sugar Cookies, rolled in colored sugars and topped with a candy cane kiss as they come piping hot out of the oven.

Y’all, these cookies are dynamic.  They are beautiful to look at, delicious to taste and crazy simple to make.

These are going in darling snowflake covered boxes to my mom’s 3 best friends and their neighbors who are so graciously allowing my children to entertain their children while we visit.

Ignore the powdered sugar.

Candy Cane Kiss Cookies

  • 1 bag candy cane kisses, unwrapped
  • 1 Cup granulated sugar
  • 1 stick butter, softened (please don’t use margarine.. use butter, it makes it better)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract (do not use imitation, please)
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 Tbsp milk
  • 2 C all purpose flour

Blend together; butter and sugar.  Add in egg and vanilla until well mixed.

In a medium bowl, mix together: flour, baking soda and salt.

Alternate adding the flour mixture and milk to the butter/sugar/vanilla/egg mixture.

Chill the dough for about 20 or 30 minutes (especially *ahem-cough-ahem*, you live in a humid climate)  then roll into 1″ balls and place on a cookie sheet.  Then, roll around in your pretty colored sugars. (do this one color at a time.. just sayin’)

Place in your pre-heated 350 F. oven and bake for about 8 minutes. (they will not look done)

As soon as you take them out, take your pretty bowl of gorgeous, candy cane striped kisses

and place one in the center of each cookie

Let cool for about 3 minutes on the cookie sheet and then carefully place them on a cooling rack to finish cooling.  The kisses are fragile and soft at this stage.

You will not believe how delicious these cookies are.  People will beg you for the recipe.

I made both red and green cookies but the green with the candy cane kiss are just sooooo gorgeous 😉

Merry Christmas Eve, y’all.


    1. I’m sorry yours aren’t pretty. I know now it’s because you didn’t use my recipe (you said so yourself) LOL.

      Common reasons for the flattened cookies are: butter is too softened, cookie sheet is too warm.

      Glad they tasted good, though!!!

  1. I just made these as part of the christmas cookie plates we give our neighbors. . . I was a little worried they weren’t done enough, but like you said, it worked out perfectly. Awesome recipe! The only change I had to make was using Dove Peppermint Bark Chocolate Promises because the store didn’t have any of the Hershey’s candy cane kisses 🙁 They turned out great, just not quite as pretty because the Dove candies don’t have the red and white stripes. Thanks!

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