Can I tell you a secret?

Lean in close.

I’ve never canned anything

PHEW – it feels good to get that off my chest.

Please don’t take away my Southern card! 

It’s on my bucket list, but it seems like there’s so much involved, and truthfully, I’m intimidated; so when I was contacted about participating in International Can It Forward Day and receiving the Ball® freshTECH Electric Water Batch Canner + Multi-Cooker, I was intrigued, and excited, and totally IN! (Plus I get to give back to y’all, and that’s my favorite!)

freshTECH Electric Water Bath Canner and Multi Cooker

Not only are you able to water bath can with this, you can steam, cook, boil, and blanch! (make sure to read the instructions thoroughly!)

I have friends who bring me delicious salsa, jellies, and jams that they’ve canned; and I see beautiful shelves packed with garden veggies and pickled deliciousness and a part of my Southern heart beats rapidly with desire to do the same.  I think I now have the tool that will enable me to become a canning queen.

freshTECH water bath canner and multi cooker


August 1st is International Can It Forward Day and if you’ve ever had a question about canning or want to learn more about canning; you can join in on a live webstream with 4 amazingly talented bloggers who happen to be canning goddesses (2 of them are friends of mine) Liz from Hoosier Homemade, Christy from Southern Plate,  Marisa from Food in Jars, and Malia from Yesterday on Tuesday – you can follow the twitter feed with the hashtage #CanItForward .  Ask questions, comment, and participate with International Can It Forward Day with the hashtag on Twitter (and that link) and they’ll answer questions submitted live via an integrated chat forum!!  Serious awesomeness, y’all!

freshTECH electric water bath canner and multi cooker


Check back tomorrow and you can actually watch the live-stream here on the blog! (It will automatically play once the webcast is live)


On to the awesomest part of this post – THE GIVEAWAY!

Ball® has provided the same incredible Can-It-Forward package that they sent me for one of y’all!  The prize package includes:

  • 1 Case of 1 Pint (16-oz) Regular Mouth Jars (12 count) (RV $9.99) 
  • Blue Book Guide to Preserving (RV $11.95)The new 37th edition of the Ball Blue Book Guide to Preserving is the most trusted resource in home canning for over 100 years and this new 2015 release is its largest update since the first edition in 1909.  Expanding 56% from the previous edition, the 37th edition of the Ball Blue Book includes 75 new recipes, pictorial step by step
    1Ball® freshTECH Electric Water Bath Canner + Multi Cooker (RV $149.99) In 2015, Jarden Home Brands launched the third appliance in its FreshTECH family. The new FreshTECH Electric Water Bath Canner + Multi-Cooker is a plug-in, countertop appliance that eliminates the need for stove top heating.  This removes the concerns of ceramic-glass stove top owners and makes it more convenient to handle than traditional water bath canning pots.  The appliance enables users to multi-task during the canning process, eliminating the need to monitor boiling water or move the pot to fill and drain.

You can enter by using the easy rafflecopter form below

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Some of the links in this post may be affiliate links, and if you click those links and purchase anything, I will receive an affiliate pay which helps me to pay for the upkeep of A Southern Fairytale.  I am thankful for partners like Ball® that help support A Southern Fairytale and help me to continue to share my love of cooking, photography, and storytelling with y’all.  Please keep supporting them and clicking on their links to show them that their investment in A Southern Fairytale is a good one. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I haven’t ever canned before. I grow a garden and talk about doing it, but it seems so difficult! I would love to try!

  2. I love to can! Jams are my favorite, especially using what I have in my garden, like blueberry rhubarb or mint!

  3. I haven’t ever canned, but would really love to learn how. I would can green beans, salsa, spaghetti sauce, barbeque sauce, jams, jellies, and peppers.

  4. I have canned…it’s been a while because I feel I don’t have the right tools…but this giveaway might just solve that problem!

  5. I have canned for a few years, mostly vegetables and jellies and jams. I would like to learn to can meats.

  6. I’d love to can salsa. We just tried our hand at canning last year. I know each year it will easier but last year, it was a mess. I do love having the fresh canned beans in the basement in the winter!

  7. I have canned salas, tomatoes and various stone fruit jams. Lifting heavy pans of jars and hot water are too much for me these days. This canner is a nice size.
    Wishes for tásty dishes, Linda

  8. I have just started canning however, I dived right in with some strawberry rhubarb jam and fire roasted tomatoes. I would like to try to make pizza sauce and salsa next. This canner looks awesome and much nicer than the old cheapy I picked up at a yard sale. I would really love to win it. Canning is something my grandma did, she is 98 now, and I am trying to teach myself to preserve those memories.

  9. I enjoy canning. I have been canning for a few years but still learning.I enjoy canning homemade salsa

  10. I have never canned before. i have thought about it, but never wanted to buy all the supplies needed. My sister and i want to start canning so we can limit the sugars and gluten in food.

  11. My mother canned, but I have never tried it on my own. Looking forward to learning more today from the folks at Ball. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. I have canned, I do can, I love to can. Mostly, (ok maybe exclusively) I make jam.
    {in the contest I am Margot C__ on the Rafflecopter}

  13. My greatest canning achievement is easy but very specific. It is Blackberry/Lemon/Vanilla Bean/Turbinado Sugar Jam. It is exactly what it sounds like it is. Be sure to use some zests from the lemons and only use a vanilla bean (not extract – horrible stuff in this context), and only dark turbinado sugar will do.
    {in the contest I am Margot C__ on the Rafflecopter}

  14. Yes I have made jam, pickles and tomatoes. As I get older I find it hard to move my regular cold pack canner from the stove to the sink and back. This canner would make canning a lot easier for me. Thank for the chance to win this wonderful gift.

  15. If I were a canner I think my favorite thing to can would be berry jam. Both the color and the smell of the berries would remind me of summer.

  16. I’ve been doing some canning for a few years, mostly apple butter, applesauce, and various jams. My husband cans sweet relish and pickles.

  17. I have only canned when assisting someone else. I’ve never done it on my own. I’m so afraid I’m going to do something wrong. But I sure was proud of the jam I helped make.

  18. I’m a seasoned canner, but will be making blueberry jam for this first time next week. So much fun to try new things!

  19. I canned for the first time last year with my child for our local homemaking show. We are still learning and interested in more canning. This would make our experience so much easier and more fun!

  20. Canned for the first time yesterday in honor of International Can-it-Forward day! Had bought the Ball FreshTech Auto Canner. Quickly made delicious organic spaghetti, 2 rounds in nothing flat! Today I just finished 3 Qts of Bread & Butter pickles even quicker! The first sealing ‘pop’ could be heard as I type, it’s exciting and my husband is excited to try out the new goodies. I would LOVE to win this for more canning options and bigger quantities. The FreshTech Jam & Jelly maker is my next purchase as dealing with disabling medical issues this tools allow me to do things in the kitchen I couldn’t otherwise. Truth be told wish I had learned to can ages ago but it’s never too late to start! Having healthy food is core to health and canning makes it possible to control what we eat all year long! Glad I found this blog, interesting!

  21. I’ve never canned before. We have a ton of strawberries, raspberries and green beans in our garden this year so I would love to can some of those.

  22. I’ve never canned either! I really want to try canning some tomatoes this summer so we can enjoy them all winter!

  23. I love to can! Especially anything tomato related – canned tomatoes, salsa, spaghetti sauce, juice, etc. Unfortunately this summer I have been moving and traveling so no canning. or garden this year. Next year for sure and then I will pull out my jars and big pot and become the queen of tomato again! 🙂

  24. I have never canned either but I remember my parents canning foods often as I was growing up when we lived up north. I would LOVE to be able to do the same and save some of our summer fruits and vegetables to enjoy year round!

  25. No I have not canned as of yet, I have started collecting recipes, I want to do a strawberry lemonade concentrate, corn cob jelly, strawberry jam with a list of others and also pressure canning.

  26. I love to can! It keeps me connected to my beautiful grandmother, Kathleen. Would like to perfect the process and raise my skill level to the same level as my grandmother.

  27. I’ve canned since I was a girl and now have my own pantry full of goodies. So many wonderful fruits and veggies to put up given our year round growing season.

  28. It’s hard to say what my favorite item to can would be, but it would have to be cinnamon fig jam or meyer lemon-satsuma marmalade just for being able to open it and share it later in the year! So tasty!!

  29. PS, I’m glad you’re getting over your phobia of canning. The people at Ball are great partners in the kitchen!!

  30. Homecanned peaches are the BEST! Lots of work, but soooooooo delicious in winter. I’ve been dreaming of this waterbath canner/multi cooker since I saw a Ball fb posting the other week.

  31. I currently can on a glass top stove so my options are limited. I’d love to have a countertop canner it would open a whole new world of canning! Thanks for the fun and the chance to win a great product!

  32. I’ve never canned before but would love to. I’d like to can salsas and jams. Thanks.

  33. I have done some canning – salsa, pears, applesauce, peaches, apple butter – but I’d like to do more. I really want to try pickles and green beans this year, and more jam!

  34. I grew up watching my Granny can everything from her garden. I have always wanted to learn, but she passed away before she could teach me. I would love this!

  35. I’ve been to scared to try pressure canning yet, but I would love to be able to make healthy beef stew that my Dad could eat.

  36. i’m an amateur canner–i’ve done green beans and pickles and jams and jellies. my favorite so far has been strawberry jam, but i’m eager to do more!

  37. I’ve never canned before, but not that we live in Alaska, I really want to! Canning would be a great way to save some summer produce for the winter!

  38. I’ve never canned anything before, but this year I am hoping to can a lot of goodies from my garden!

  39. I love to can! Pickles, jams, tomatoes–but it’s a challenge on my two burner efficiency stove. This product would really open my options. Thanks!

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