Monkey and Princess had a blast at Camp Invention last week.

Here’s Monkey getting his very own patent certificate on the last day of Camp Invention.

camp invention patent

They looked forward to camp every day, they talked about what they would do, what they did, and what they thought they’d invent.

They couldn’t wait to tell me what they’d added to the Invent Wall, and it’s the thing they wanted to show me the most when I went to pick them up.

camp invention invent wall


Reading the Invent wall is a serious source of smiles:

A shot that gives you super powers”

I would make a robot to go to scool and everything”

A house that turns into a computer”

“A animal translator”

This is the future y’all.

Princess and Monkey loved camp, but what struck me the most, what made the biggest impact on me as a parent…

They left camp, but camp didn’t leave them.

On the last day, the kids came home with oodles of drawings, leftover upcycle items and a bag filled with possibilities…

They both bypassed the kids playing in the street to sprawl out in the living room with their bag of possibilities.  Within the hour, I found Princess outside with her battery powered dog on a pearl leash {her name is sparkle – fyi}

camp invention inspired dog on a leash car


Today, after a long day (7 hours) of Volleyball Camp, followed by an hour of tumbling.. Princess came home and I found her sketching ideas.  She spent the entire day exercising her body, and came home to exercise her brain.

camp invention design


They may have left Camp Invention, but Camp Invention hasn’t left them.

*all pictures taken with my iphone 5s*

Thank you Camp Invention for sponsoring my kids’ adventure with Camp Invention this summer, introducing them to destruction with a constructive purpose, and for providing me with compensation, free time to work (oxymoron what?), and for sponsoring this post (and a few others, also properly documented)



    1. It was so neat, Gaby! IT has made such an impact on them both – they’re much more into science and the hows and whys of things now. SO NEAT!

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