Y’all absolutely made my mouth water with the recipes that y’all came up with and shared for the California Avocado Cinco de Mayo Recipe Fiesta. Seriously y’all – go check out the recipes.

It’s entirely possible that I bookmarked every. single. recipe.  As an added bonus, I discovered some absolutely delicious new (to me) food blogs.

I am so glad that the winners were chosen by a random number generator because there’s simply no way that I could have chosen.

On that note, and with a sincere Thank You to California Avocados for sponsoring this giveaway – let’s end the suspense….


The winner of the $250  USD American Express Gift Card is………………


Sweet Carrian from Oh Sweet Basil with her Teriyaki Chicken Salad with Mango and Asian Poppy Seed Dressing

Congratulations, Carrian!!!

Carrian is one of the sweetest people that I’ve ever encountered.  Carrian’s recipes and blog are truly lovely.   She makes you want to move in next door to her – or maybe that’s just me, go visit her and then come back and let me know.

But wait.. there’s more!

The grand prize winner of the $500 USD American Express gift card and a California Avocado basket valued at $75 USD is…..



The darling Dorothy from Crazy for Crust with her Avocado Chicken Salad Sandwiches

I’m a new follower of Dorothy’s blog, and I have to tell y’all – she’s a gem. If you don’t know of Dorothy – you need to go. NOW. I feel like I should warn y’all –  her blog is dangerous.   Her pictures are gorgeous, her recipes divine and tempting, and her sweet personality shines through every post.  I can’t wait to meet her someday.

Congratulations ladies!  E-mail me with your mailing addresses and phone numbers so that I can give them to the California Avocado Commission so that we can get y’all’s prizes right out!

Shawn is announcing her winners today, too!  Don’t forget to hop over there and see if you’re one of her winners, and check out the winning recipes!

Before I give y’all the FTC required *sponsored* post spiel, I want to give a very special thanks to the California Avocado Commission.  My mom is living with us for 6 weeks while she goes through chemo and radiation treatments for esophageal cancer.  Her nutritionist at MD Anderson told her that she was so glad she was eating avocados because they are definitely a super food and she should eat them as much as possible, in as many ways as possible.  I mentioned this to the people at California Avocados and they immediately responded by sending extra avocados every month as needed to ensure that my mom is getting what she needs.  I can’t even begin….there simply aren’t words.

Thank You doesn’t seem enough.


People, y’all need to buy and Support California Avocados because they are not only crazy delicious, but they have huge, giving hearts.

FTC: I am a California Avocado Ambassador, as part of my role I receive product and compensation for my time and talents.  All opinions and thoughts expressed in these posts are completely my own and original, unless otherwise noted.




  1. Thanks for being so generous to Rachel’s mom California Avocado Commission. I support companies that know family comes first. Thanks!!

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