We were tired of the same tan walls, the sound of our own voices echoing as they bounced off the floors, the walls, the ceilings of the house that we’d been cooped up in with strep and flu for over a week. So, we did something radical.

Instead of ushering each person off to their own room to fight the madness.. we left. our. house.

I used Mr Google and found out that we had a Botanical Gardens and Nature Center within 20 miles of our house. Why YES we have lived here for 4 years thankyouverymuch.

47 “Are We There Yets? and 10 I’m hungry/tired/thirsty’s later.. we arrived.

The first thing the kids wanted to see.. the butterflies

butterfly and family

I tested out my macro attachment, can you guess why I love this picture so much?

We walked among a rainbow of Orchids and visions of Alice in Wonderland danced through my head.


I realize now that my kids have never heard the full version.  They’ve only read the watered down Children’s Book Version.  Well, we’re off to the library today to remedy that, I think we’re ready for Chapter Books at Bedtime.

The Sun played a game of Peek a Boo with us darting behind clouds and inspiring my kids to play a game of their own.

Peek A Boo

It was a magical day.  A day of learning and wonder and nature and family.  A day without TV or video games, a day outside.  a day that lent itself to stories, wonder and roving imaginations.  My kids saw and touched and smelled, they frolicked and ran and danced and climbed and hiked and I took hundreds of pictures.  I’m so glad that we chose to go outside, to get away to explore because as I was going through the pictures and smiling… I saw this picture and I realize that my kids are walking their own paths, they no longer need me to hold their hands every step of the way.  Instead of walking beside me, they’re ready to lead the way.

Leading The Way


    1. I know! 😉 Thanks, I’m so grateful to the Photography W/S at Blissdom. I didn’t even know what Bokeh was, or understand it before that 😉

      I love finding little treasures.. I wish they were better documented down here 😉

  1. Beautiful pictures. I love being outside with the kids. Can’t wait until it is officially spring. And I can’t wait until we can read chapter books too. =-)
    .-= Jodee´s most recent blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

    1. Thanks! It was such a lovely afternoon! I am going to do some research to try to find more little places and I can’t wait to go back there when more things are in bloom!

  2. This is LOVERLY!!! I gotta see what we have here in TN, we’ve only lived here a few months. Im jealous of your macro lens. Does the thing you love in that first picture have anything to do with those two boys??? Okay the last part was sort of a tear jerker. Thanks for sharing!
    .-= jana ´s most recent blog ..Did you know… =-.

    1. Hi Jana! Yes, it IS my two ‘men’ I was so focused on the butterfly that I didn’t even realize that Nathan and Monkey WERE in the background of the picture! I love how focused and close together they were!!!

      Thanks, @BurghBaby recommended the lens to me. It’s Macro HD 10X attachment lens, it screws on to my 18 – 55 mm lens and I LOVE IT. I covet and drool over but, can’t afford the big time lens, so this is a GREAT compromise!

      Good luck finding those places!

  3. This is exciting to see!

    I have to ask though, which Botanical Garden did you visit?

    I work in Public Horticulture so seeing families enjoying public gardens is my passion! I normally come to your blog from my recipe and food blog, but I also have a Horticulture Blog. Stories like yours is what makes me get up in the morning – THANKS for sharing it! 🙂
    .-= Aubree Cherie´s most recent blog ..Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream =-.

    1. Hi!

      How neat, I bet that’s a really fun job! We went to the one in Corpus Christi. I’m so glad that you came over for something other than recipes 😉 and Thanks for sharing your passion!!!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful day! I love your pics! (and definitely recommend the original Alice books)
    .-= TexasRed´s most recent blog ..Teaser Tuesday – The Source of Miracles =-.

    1. It was SO lovely!!! I want it to be full blown spring NOW so that we can go back and it will be full of flowers and colors and smells!

  5. Beautiful pics, great reminder to get out and PLAY … and what adorable kids you have – sweet as can be. Looks like it was so fun and a good way to “see the glorious in the mundance.”
    .-= Mela Kamin´s most recent blog ..Fresh eyes =-.

  6. this sounds lovely. love the photos! i wish we lived in a place where the weather was more suitable to do things like this all the time. i grew up in florida and i LOVED being able to be outside like this ALL THE TIME. now, in RI, target is about as good as it gets during the winter. (and maybe the library once my kids are a tad older). sounds like you had a wonderful day 🙂
    .-= Jen ´s most recent blog ..In other news… =-.

  7. Beautiful pictures. Makes me think maybe Spring is on the way. 🙂
    .-= Kel´s most recent blog ..Monday Night is Movie Night =-.

  8. Oh, I dearly Love that last shot! That needs to be framed and hung on your wall!
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..I need my nookie. Where oh where is my nookie? nook sucks. =-.

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