Haiku Friday

A busy day
now spreading out before me
wake and feed the kids

hook up the stroller
walk a few miles with my girls
walk back to my house

shower, make sandwich
using chicken fried elk steak
isn’t that healthy

take sandwich to hubs
go pick up new pink palm phone
go in town, Target

Hit the funky store,
buy mom cute new glasses. Hope
dumb dog won’t eat them

Did I mention pack?
Baby Brother is Two-One
must go celebrate

Off to Aggieland
Dad is home from Australia
Time with him we’ll spend

5 Hour Drive, ugh
Breaking in the new Aspen
No Eating in car

Off to start my day
Won’t be back on until late
Blog Hopping, tonight.

For better Haikus go here or here

And if you have not made yourself available in a feed reader yet, What are you waiting for? Go do it!!!


  1. Excellent Haiku! I hope you can pace yourself enough to enjoy this busy, busy day you have before you.
    Hugs and blessings,

  2. Sheesh! I’m exhausted just reading that. Good luck with all of your errands. And Happy Birthday, big brother!

  3. it’s been like forever since i was here last!! Things seem to be fairly normal though….lol

    Call me when you can!!

  4. Do I ever feel like a slacker now! We’re still in our pjs and have laid on the couch all morning watching Nick Jr. But I’ve earned it, it’s been a LONG week! Have a good trip!

  5. No eating in the brand new car!! We’ll stop and snack somewhere along the way, but that will involve leaving the car!!! πŸ™‚

  6. We did a five hour drive today, too. I hope you enjoyed the weather & Aggieland (went there but am a longhorn…so I have serious mixed feelings!).

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