I love grapefruit.

Seriously, y’all.



Grapefruits, to me, are the perfect citrus – tangy, slightly bitter, somewhat sour with just a hint of sweet.  Just writing about them right now has my mouth watering.



A few months ago, Maria (one of my favorite food bloggers) wrote a post about Broiled Grapefruit, I was intrigued.  I pinned it and forgot about it.

A few days ago, I was browsing my pinterest boards and came across that pin – I jumped off the couch, grabbed a knife, cut into a couple of grapefruits, used a grapefruit spoon to loosen the fruit from the skin and drizzled them with honey, brown sugar and cinnamon.


I turned my broiler on HI and put my dish with the grapefruit in the oven – in retrospect, I should have moved my oven rack up one level so the caramelization would have been more intense.

I left the grapefruit in the oven for about 7 minutes, plenty of time for the sugars to caramelize.




I’m loving this deliciousness – it’s warm and sweet, and tangy and just… YUM.

Seriously, y’all – even if you’re in the anti-grapefruit camp, I think y’all should give this a try.  It takes grapefruit to a whole new level of delicious.

So yummy!

Broiled Grapefruit

Inspired by This Recipe from Two Peas and Their Pod
Print Recipe
Prep Time:5 minutes
Cook Time:10 minutes
Total Time:15 minutes


  • 2 Grapefruit
  • Honey for drizzling
  • Brown Sugar for sprinkling
  • Roasted Cinnamon for sprinkling


  • Turn your oven's broiler on HI
  • Cut the grapefruit in half - try not to drool
  • Use a grapefruit spoon, or paring knife, to gently loosen the fruit from the skin (don't completely remove it all the way down to the base, you don't want to lose all the juice) - this allows all the yummy flavors to seep all the way down into the grapefruit.
  • Drizzle with honey, sprinkle with brown sugar and cinnamon.
  • Place under the broiler and (depending on your oven) cook for 3 to 10 minutes, or until the sugars are caramelized and the fruit is swollen and ready to burst out of the skin.


You can use agave nectar instead of honey, turbinado sugar instead of brown and even add a dash of cumino or sea salt for a flavor boost.
Servings: 4 grapefruit halves
Author: Rachel


Thank y’all so much for linking up every Monday and sharing the yummies that come from your kitchens!

Make sure y’all take the time to visit each other, pin some of your favorite recipes, link back here, comment and share the love!

Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s link up



‘); // ]]>


  1. I’ve done this with passionfruit before and I love the combination of the warm sugary topping with the soft fruit, it’s just delicious and I can’t wait to try it with grapefruit!

  2. I saw Maria’s and now I have seen yours and now I know I REALLY must try this! Grapefruit is one of my favorite fruits- this looks like a fun way to spice it up!

  3. Happy Monday! Your grapefruit sounds great!
    I shared my recipe for Apple Oat Bran Muffins. This recipe is gluten free if you are able to eat oats.
    It tastes almost the same as a traditional bran muffin that is made with wheat All Bran cereal.
    Thanks for hosting!

  4. Since I’m encouraging people who don’t like brussel sprouts to eat my roasted brussel sprouts this week, I suppose I should be willing to try the broiled grapefruit. Because I don’t like grapefruit. Just for you though….

    And I love how your photos in your header rotate to the most recent one in your post. Do you do that manually, or is that part of your spiffy new design?

  5. Well, I fall into the anti-grapefruit camp. But, this sounded so good I decided to give it a try; with a fresh-from-Florida grapefruit. I’m sorry to say I’m still anti-grapefruit. 🙁 I really wanted to like it! I will say, the initial flavor burst was great, it’s just that really bitter after bite that grapefruit has I just don’t care for. Thanks for at least getting me to try grapefruit again!

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