
It’s that time again. Time to put on your best dress or your tux, dust off those heels, well except for her because she wears them every day, get your hair did and get ready for the party and the paparazzi.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, it’s Royal Banana Award Ceremony time again.

Today’s honorees are an eclectic group of men and women who inspire, amuse, and leave me in a constant state of awe and envy for their talents and all around awesomeness.
Without further ado, here are the newest inductees to the Royal Banana Hall of Fame.

First up is a man whose struggles leave my heart weeping, yet his strength and humor throughout his plight are truly awe inspiring and often leave me laughing through my tears. The darling author of Xbox4NappyRash is today’s first recipient of the Royal Banana Award. If you haven’t discovered him yet, you are truly missing out.

Next up is the fabulously brilliant woman behind Absolutely Bananas
. She is humorous, lovely, inspiring, hysterical, honest and really she’s one of my favorite daily reads. I just recently found out that she thinks I’m cool enough to comment on her blog which I’ve been stalking reading quietly for a couple of months now. She is also proud of being a Mom who Blogs, and I say Hell Yeah to that!

Next, we have the uber fashionable OhMommy of Classy Chaos fame. OhMommy writes adorable and witty anecdotes about her life with her fabulous 3, her heel obsession, photography, family and being the child of immigrants. She is inspiring, gracious, snarky and someone that I am dying to go out and have a drink with! Get thee hence, if you do not already stalk read her daily.

Next up, Joeprah. Joeprah can appear somewhat intimidating because his blog is mind bogglingly technical looking and his posts are fabulously well thought out, fun, easy for parents of all stages to relate to and his self deprecating humor is awesome, but in reality he is anything but intimidating. He is sweet, helpful, funny and a wonderful guy. In short, he rocks.

The last, but in no way the least of today’s Royal Banana Honorees is Megan over at Velveteen Mind. I must admit that my blog has a bit of a bloggy crush on her blog. She is a fantastic writer, she cracks me up and she wrote this post the other day about licking Matt Lauer that everyone just has to read. She is brilliant, funny and I think one hell of a blogger, mommy or otherwise.

Well Ladies and Gentlemen those are all the awards for today. Thanks for attending today, enjoy the after parties, don’t drink and blog…no wait, please do.. it’ll make for some great reading.

As always, I expect acceptance speeches and if you decide to pass the love on to others, leave me a note so I can go check them out 🙂

Choose your button and wear it proudly.

(a href=””)(img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”)(/a)

(a href=””)(img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket”)(/a)

I am truly honored. David McMahon of Author Blog fame, featured this post as his Post of The Day on his blog. Thanks David!




  1. Shut up.

    Seriously. We neeeeeed to get together.

    My post for tomorrow was an award type post and I was going to pass on my own classy award to, none other, than you.

    Seriously. Do you read minds? LMAO.

    And THANK YOU so much for the award. 😉

  2. I could not agree more with ALL choices…yeah! I am with AFF I will try to stay quiet and fit into such a distinguished crowd.

    So cool about being featured.

  3. Well if we don’t have ourselves a sweetie over here ;0)

    Thanks for the kind words, it’s an ‘intersting’ journey so far!

    We just need to see where it finishes up.

    On a side note, I have a dreaded fear of bananas. Ever since I went to a show in the red light district in Amsterdam a few years back. I can never look at them in the same way again.
    But that’s a story for another day.

    Thank you again, it’s very kind, and very much appreciated.

    …and who’s this Joeprah dude, never heard of him…

  4. I’ll have to pop over and check out some of those that I dont read regularly. Congrats, one and all!

  5. Congrats on your award!

    And congrats to the new recipients.

    I don’t like bananas anyway. pout pout. LOL!!! Just teasing you. hee hee! I’ll have to check out those blogs when I have more time (I’m rushing off to J-man’s last of preschool right now)

  6. Thanks for the awesome props! You are so cool to think of me. I will have to announce my award in a post. Thanks!!

  7. LOVE it! Thank you so much… this totally makes my day! AND, by the way, the name of the award is A+ too 😉

  8. Thanks for some great ideas of new blogs to read. Aside from the fabulous OhMommy, these reads will be new for me.

  9. Great choices… all have been on my list of must reads for awhile now.

    Congrats to some deserving blogs!

  10. Thank you!!! I read this right away but am just now commenting, so I promise I suck, but not as much as you think.

    I’ll be adding my bling to my sidebar flooble shortly. I loves me some awards, especially when they include the compliment “hell of a blogger.”

    I need a “Hell of a Blogger” button for my blog. I’d love that.

    Thank you!!!

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