(calories that is)

So, if you know me, even a bit — you know that THESE are my boots
my boots

They’re comfortable, super seriously comfortable and they’re cute.

You also know that if I’m not wearing those boots, I’m wearing these (or the brown ones)

my flip flops

My feet must be comfortable and cute is a nice bonus.

I remember meeting Leah at Blissdom last year and three things about her really stood out, her personality, her smile and her hawt. red. boots.

Leah praised these boots, raved about them and their special incline that puts the toes above the heels thus causing you to burn more calories and tone your muscles while you wear them.

You better believe she had my attention. Muscle toning shoes that don’t make you look as if you’re walking on bubbles — yes, please.

When Leah asked me later, if I would like to review a pair and give a pair away, it was an easy yes.

When the box with my boots arrived last week, I must admit, it wasn’t love at first sight.

Remember my boots and flip flops from above — I like cute and girly

These were a bit more bad-ass motorcycle chick looking.

Earth boots

They are nothing I would have ever picked out for myself, however — I kinda dug feeling like a kick-butt chick with them on.

Nathan gave them two thumbs up.

I put them on and wore them around the house while cleaning (we have hard floors — if I’m not wearing shoes in the house at all times, my feet hurt).

After about 5 minutes, my legs felt weird — yep,  there’s that incline thing working.

Saturday was cold and drizzly and I had to coach two soccer games.  Usually, after 5 minutes on the soccer fields my toes are soaking wet and freezing and my feet are miserable.

I decided to put my new Earth Boots on and I wore them – from 7:45 AM to 1:00 PM– my feet stayed dry, the soft inner lining kept my calves warm and I had no problem keeping up with my team of 6, 7 and 8 year old kids.  The boots flexed and moved really easily with me.

I’ve only worn them a few times but, I can tell you this:  I can feel it when I wear them and I’m walking a lot, they look really good with my jeans and I totally feel kick butt when I wear them 🙂

The generous people at Earth Footwear and Mamavation have given one of my readers the opportunity to win the same pair of Acclaim boots that I received!!! That’s a $189 value!

Y’all know I like to keep things simple — so, here’s the lowdown:

  • Mandatory First Entry – Go visit Earth’s website and tell me what your favorite pair of boots are (Men’s or Women’s)
  • Bonus:  Tweet this giveaway and leave the Tweet URL in a separate entry
  • Go “like” Earth Footwear on Facebook and tell them on their wall that A Southern Fairytale sent ya, then come tell me that you did it in the comments

Remember — each entry must be in a separate comment.

This giveaway is open from today, November 17th, 2010 to Friday, November 19th, 2010 at 10:00 CST at which time I’ll use Comment Contest to choose a winner.

Thank you so much to Earth Footwear and Leah for the great pair of boots and giveaway for my readers! MWAH

*** This Contest is Now Closed***

Thank you to everyone who entered!!! 192 entries!

Congratulations to the winner! Linda


  1. I love the Urban and the Acclaim boots. How exciting! What a cool giveaway! I LOVE boots. I always feel like I can take on the world and kick serious butt when I wear my cowboy boots.

  2. I actually really love the Acclaim boots. They remind me of a pair of J.Crew boots I had years ago that I loved. I “outgrew” them after having kids.

  3. Oh yeah, I forgot the links. Sigh. Being blond has it’s drawbacks:

    FB: AndreAnna McLean: Came from A Southern Fairytale cause that chick CAN cook and if she says her feet are comfy in your shoes, than I believe her!

  4. I’ll admit I’m not usually a big boots person. But those acclaims DO look pretty B.A. I like that they have vegan options, too, even though I’m not vegan.

  5. I love the Diva boots, cute and fluffy. LOL
    I am with AndreAnna on the size thing. I wear an 11 as well and when I see boots somewhere in my size I will pay full price. 🙂

  6. I love the swank boots. I am currently in the middle of my year without pants and good boots are hard to find and also things are tight and so I am trying to spend as little as possible but I think these are going on my wish list for christmas. They are cute and would look good with skirts. (as would the pair that you are giving away)

    good luck to everyone!!

  7. I think I’d like to enter this contest but I
    dont really understand the instructions. And I have never used twitter. Can I still be a candidate?

  8. I came via Amanda Magee’s tweet! It’s working. 🙂

    I dig a lot of the boots so I called over my nine-year-old fashionista and she told me Acclaim. For definitely reals.

  9. I like the Lodge 2 Boot. How fun, yet practical at the same time. Looks like they have some really nice quality stuff. Thanks for the link!

  10. Oh man, my mom has been wearing Earth Shoes FOREVER and she swears by them! Hope I win… would love a pair of the Hype boots!!

  11. The Hype boots are really cute…so are your legs more toned now? Do they cause leg cramps? (that is what I would think they would do…) just curious.

  12. My favorite boots were the Hype (in black), but I also like the Acclaim…would look pretty fun on this “mature” lady!! My grand kids would think I was quite trendy!

  13. Hey Sister, I like that kick butt look! They look really cute on you. Thanks for the site, hope it’s my lucky turn!!!

  14. I’m not entering the contest, but I wanted to tell you that I think those boots TOTALLY FIT YOU! I know they’re not your usual style, but I think that picture shows us a totally different Rachel: the kick-ass, take names Rachel! Earth is one of my favorite footwear companies, and it’s so cool they’re giving one of your readers a pair.

    Hope your new boots are making you feel as lovely as you are 🙂

  15. Love the Black Acclaim boots! These are so cute and if they help you in another way then that’s just an added plus!!

  16. I’ve been coveting the black Acclaim boots since they came out! Love ’em. Bought my first pair of Earth shoes this fall and am seriously ready to ditch all my other shoes.

  17. I love the Acclaim in the black leather! I got my 3yo something similar, (for much less), & have been looking for a pair for myself! Adore!

  18. Love the cherry Elite but fear my calves would get crunched. I think Plumb Pride might be the runners up 🙂


  19. I do covet those boots so. Not that I don’t have my own beloved f-me boots, but not like THAT.

    I also am going to have to get some cowboy boots before they kick me out of Texas, eh?

  20. i left a comment on my page, their page AND your page…..
    i have 300something friends, want me to leave a post on all my friends pages????? 😉
    the boots really are cute!

  21. I like the acclaims… (’cause I like bad ass biker chick, duh)… but I gotta admit… I like the swanks too since they can be slouched as needed… oh! and the diva ones… well… because they’re called “diva”… and “go get mom’s diva boots” sounds a whole lot better than the current “go get mom’s whore boots”, don’t you think? 🙂

    P.S. Ellipses mean I love you…

  22. P.S.S. I think that the freckles on your feet are adorable… which is odd since I hate the ones on mine.

    P.S.S.S I liked ’em on facebook so that this comment wouldn’t totally ruin your entry count

    P.S.S.S.S …

  23. I’m commenting because first, you rock. Second, because I am actually a boot guy. I love boots. Yes, I even have a pair of ropers I bought in Tennessee years ago. I use them to… pretend I rope stuff? Anyway…

    Can I pretend the Reagans are boots? Because those would really be more appropriate for my office jockey lifestyle.

  24. Oh.My! Love, love shoes, boot, flip flops even slippers=)
    I really like the Womens Urban=) Now that’s a serious piece of footwear!
    Thanks oodles for a chance at ’em!

  25. I came looking for potato soup and look what happened! Liked on Facebook and said you sent me. Then I called the boots i like the wrong name. I need a nap but now I must have new boots. Oh yeah, potato soup?

  26. Choosing a favorite boot is like asking me which child I love best! If I can only choose one, I like the Central style.

  27. I like SWANK in black or gray! But I am SO about comfort when choosing shoes/boots…I’m thrilled to see these are COMFORTABLE!

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