The past couple of Augusts I’ve participated in Shot@Life’s Blogust campaign by tweeting the #Blogust hashtag, and by sharing stories like this one about Princess Facing The World Head On.

During Shot@Life’s Blogust 2015—a month-long blog relay—some of North America’s most beloved online writers, photo and video bloggers and Shot@Life Champions come together and share inspirational quotes for their children. Every time you comment on this post and other Blogust contributions, or take action using the social media on this website, Shot@Life and the United Nations Foundation pages, one vaccine will be donated to a child around the world (up to 50,000).

Every day I remind my family that we have to be the change we want to see in the world around us.  It’s up to us to stand for what we believe in, to go against the grain, to be the change that we want to see in the world, even when it’s not the easy or popular choice.

The quote that stands out, and speaks to my heart is this one, by Jane Goodall:

iphone photo by my daugher

Jane Goodall Difference Quote Blogust


Every single day we make hundreds, if not thousands of choices, and each of those choices ripples out from us and affects the people around us.

So, every single day, I try to choose what kind of difference I make with my attitude, my giving, my volunteering, my time, my smile, and the choice to stand up for what I believe in.  I have to set the example for my kids, because my choices, my actions speak loudly and are the example my kids will mimic.

Last year, I set a personal goal of 200 comments = 200 vaccines donated on behalf of A Southern Fairytale and YOU made it happen!

This year, I’m challenging us to BEAT that goal and donate 300 life saving vaccines!    We can do this!!!   For each comment on this post, one life saving vaccine is donated to a child in need. 

You can use the sharing buttons above and below to share this post with your friends and that action will also result in one life saving vaccine donated to a child in need! 



  1. I’m going to have to browse all your corn recipes, I seriously have a sudden weird craving for something with corn lol.

  2. One of my favorite quotes lately is from FDR “Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.”

  3. Love your quotes… especially the Mahtma Ghandi one… be the change you want to see in this world! Well done, friend! Thanks for setting a great example!

  4. Your chosen quote definitely speaks to my heart … thanks for sharing and supporting the SHOT@LIFE campaign!

  5. This quote is so deep. You have to sit in it for a while to really soak it in. I love it! Thanks for sharing!

    1. You’re so welcome. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the first time that I saw it. It absolutely spoke to my very core. <3 you

  6. I love this. Such a great reminder that our actions and inactions have consequences, and we can choose to have a positive or negative effect on the world around us. So glad to be part of Blogust with you!

  7. It’s so simple…but you know, it really makes you think. When you think about how you spend your days, and whether it helps people in some tangible way — whatever that may be — it can really make you reassess a whole lot. Thank you for the inspiration, and the support for Blogust.xo

  8. What an inspiration you are! I just stumbled across this tonight but will signing up to stay tuned in.
    Thank you for what you do for others.

  9. A worthy cause, and a wonderful philosophy! That’s the attitude I try to take into my classroom every day, and one of the messages that I hope every one of my students takes out of my classroom with them. And you have made a great difference in many lives, from the positive energy you send out every day, to the model you have provided as a mother and a sister.

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