BlogHer09, depending on where you look and who you read, you might believe there were two different conferences going on at once. I’m going to tell you about my experience at BlogHer. I wasn’t sure what to think, feel or expect but, I packed my 5 outfits, shoes, hair straightener, makeup and my 200 bloggity ‘Monkey Cards’ (Monkey term) and set off for the land of Chicago and the great big Sheraton to hopefully mingle and connect with other people who ‘get it’.
My first experience brought tears to my eyes. I ran into Loralee in the lobby, recognized her immediately, and tentatively walked up and said “Hi” She looked at me with complete lack of recognition, I introduced myself and was immediately engulfed in the most ginormous hug and squeals.
That set the tone for my conference.
There were many times that I walked around the conference all by myself and walked up to people whom I thought I recognized or just wanted to say Hi to, there were times where that person was a “BIG DEAL BLOGGER” everyone whom I met was gracious and welcoming, funny and sweet and my head may never go down again from some of y’all telling me how gorgeous and darlin’ I am. Bless y’all.
I can’t link to everyone, though I want too, because I will inevitably leave someone out.
But this is just the first of my BlogHer posts and in a way the most important.. what I took home with me from BlogHer is a full heart, amazing memories, new friends, stronger bonds with old friends, a lifetime worth of hugs and most significantly for me… I took home a renewed sense of why I blog, what I want from my blogging, and from myself. I brought home confidence because of the people who told me, ” I love your recipes, you make cooking so easy.. Thank you, my family Thanks You” or “I love your stories about your family, your writing touches me, speaks to me, makes me laugh and realize that I’m not alone”
BlogHer09 gave me confidence, new direction and renewed enthusiasm, listening to others tell why they started blogging, why they continue blogging or what they gain from it. My heart is overwhelmed.. I feel that my body was hugged but my soul and spirit… they were rejuvenated. I can never thank Elisa, Lisa and Jory enough for giving this community a voice, a place to gather and learn from each other, to touch, to cry together in person instead of behind our computer screens, to hear the laughter that we’ve only imagined, and have it settle on our hearts and touch our souls.
Thank you for giving me a place that gave me the greatest gift of all: Confidence in myself, a renewed heart and spirit and best of all.. my bloggy groove back. I am eternally grateful.
.-= Allison Worthington ´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
That’s exactly how I felt about Blissdom. I went thinking I was a tiny fish in a big pond and got there and realized that I was doing MUCH better than I had thought. It made me feel apart of that “BIG POND” community and it felt good. I definitely was ready to BLOG It when I got home. I’m glad you had a great time! I’ll see you at Blissdom 10′.
.-= Alyssa´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday – Getting Back to Basics =-.
It’s finally nice to see a positive post about this conference! I’m not a money making blog so I couldn’t really afford to go, maybe some day, but I did wonder how a food blogger would be received amidst all of the other kinds of bloggers who blog more about family and such. Yay!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time.
.-= Mary´s last blog ..Homemade Southern Banana Pudding =-.
It was so great seeing you and squeezing on you, girl!!!! I can’t wait to see you again. You are a true, true gem and I’m so thankful to have finally got my picture with ya 😉
Absolutely adored meeting you.
.-= Maria´s last blog ..BlogHer Part Two – joy =-.
Yes yes and yes
and the green Sorrelli – awesomesauce-over-ice cream good.
.-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..Lane Bryant, Yummie Tummie, & Sorrelli, OH MY! =-.
That is exactly what BlogHer does to you.
I’m SO glad you were there. It made my BlogHer experience perfect. 🙂
.-= Shash´s last blog ..#BlogHer09 in Chicago, Take Two =-.
I’m so glad to have hugged you in person and gained a true friend in the process. I’m so grateful…
.-= Quatro_Mama´s last blog ..Shout Out to the BlogHer Beauties =-.
That sounds like a really great experience.
.-= Jennifer´s last blog ..An anniversary, a sweet girl, and prayers, Random Tuesday Thoughts =-.
This was awesome Rachel. You are awesome.
MWAH! You are totally awesome. I am glad you know that now! 🙂
.-= Jenny from Mommin’ It Up!´s last blog ..Remember when I was making fun of Jenny? =-.
It sounds like you had a wonderful time! Wish I could have been there, but there’s always next year!
.-= Katie@DomesticDebacle´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.
I just adore you! I loved hanging out with you at BlogHer and can’t wait for BlissDom in Feb!
.-= Shannanb aka Mommy Bits´s last blog ..Mixin’ it up on the road to BlogHer =-.
Meeting (and partying) with you was definitely a highlight for me, Sugar. You are so sweet and SO funny. xoxo
.-= Karen Sugarpants´s last blog ..Four Minutes At BlogHer Changed My Life =-.
I freaking LOVED meeting you. LOVED IT. Seriously, you are so damn delightful and gracious, both online and in person.
NEW YORK 2010, BABY!!!!
.-= Loralee´s last blog ..OOPS! I did it again. =-.
You are even more luminous in person than on-line. If that’s possible. I loved meeting you!!
.-= Scary Mommy´s last blog ..BlogHer High =-.
So thrilled to hear that you had such a wonderful time. 🙂
.-= Jen@Balancing Beauty and Bedlam´s last blog ..How to make whole wheat bread – Tasty Tuesday =-.
Now THIS…this is exactly the type of experience I assumed everyone who went would have. Sadly, not the case. However, your post, beautifully written btw, has inspired me to attend BlogHer ’10. I’ve heard it’s all what you make of it, as is true with most anything.
Thanks for sharing a positive experience. It’s refreshing!
.-= Miss Behavin´s last blog ..BlogHer 2009 =-.
Love this.
.-= To Think Is To Create´s last blog ..Hope Lives =-.
You are adorable and it was an absolute pleasure meeting you!
.-= Don Mills Diva´s last blog ..So maybe I’m not such a Diva after all… =-.
you know I love your Texas butt…
.-= DesignHER Momma´s last blog ..Blown Away in Chicago? It was more like a Tornado hit me. =-.
You are TEH AWESOME! You are so genuine and down to Earth.
I hope to see you at BlissDom and in NYC baby!
.-= Jamie´s last blog ..She Will, She Will Rock You =-.
I wish I had got some more of your goodness! There weren’t enough hours in the day!
Awww, I’m so glad you had such a good time!! Can’t wait to hear more! 🙂
.-= Mary @ Giving Up On Perfect´s last blog ..Play on, playa. =-.
I’m glad you had such a great experience and a great time:)
.-= Krystyn´s last blog ..Gala Glass Review and Giveaway** =-.
It was so good to see you & get to hug you in person!
.-= TexasRed´s last blog ..BlogHer Wrap Up =-.
I’m so glad you had a great experience at BlogHer. Yay!
.-= Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba)´s last blog ..Happy “Curves”iversary to me… 25 and counting… =-.
I’m SO glad to to read your wonderfully positive review of the experience. Mine was pretty darn good too. Well except the part where I didn’t get to hug you. Shoot.
Seriously, so glad you feel renewed and that you had a great weekend! : )
We were at the same conference.
Amen sister.
.-= Jessica Gottlieb´s last blog ..Love Is A Verb =-.
It is always nice to read posts with passion, it just adds something to it.
.-= Jack´s last blog ..Recent Posts- A Short Round Up =-.
My husband thanks you for my recent Tweet Deck Addiction. Merci Beaucoup!
MUWAH back at cha!
.-= Quatro_Mama´s last blog ..Summer Quadyssey: Chicago Part I =-.
next year. i *swear*!!!!!!
.-= the planet of janet´s last blog ..My blogging natal day! =-.
I’m enthusiastic about writing again and I wasn’t sure when I was going to get that back.
Lovely seeing you again, but yes it was far too breif. xo
.-= Miss´s last blog ..The One About the Conference That Wasn’t =-.
Y’all need to quit making me wish I had gone, goshdarnit!
After reading all the great stories I plan on going next year! I hope to meet you!!
.-= Jill´s last blog ..Jumping on the BlogHer Bandwagon… =-.
Seeing your brilliant smile made my day…
.-= Ree´s last blog ..Airing Dirty Laundry =-.