blogging for boobs 250

Do things look a little different around here?  Do I look a tad bit pink?

That’s all thanks to Nap Warden , she’s turned me pink in honor of my Blogging for Boobs this month.

Today, is October 1st which means it is officially Breast Cancer Awareness Month and I’m on a mission.  I want to raise both money and awareness and help find a cure for Breast Cancer.

Breast Cancer is a terrible, insidious disease that knows no boundaries, it can affect virtually anyone.

My MIL is a two time survivor, December 28th will be one year since her last chemo treatment.

A very dear friend of mine in the “real world”, her mom is going through chemo right now and in August, had a double mastectomy.  On October 24th, we are walking in a local Breast Cancer walk together.

I have started a donation page on the Susan G Komen website, my goal is to raise $1000.00 this month.  Every cent you donate is tax deductible, every single cent that you donate on the Blogging For Boobs donation page, goes directly to the Susan G Komen foundation, my hands don’t touch it at any point.

So here’s what’s happening over here this month.  I sent out a query on twitter, letting everyone know that I was dedicating my entire blog for the month of OCtober to Breast Cancer Awareness and the response was overwhelming and beautiful.  I am turning my blog over to some amazing people: Survivors, Family Members, Friends and giving them a space to tell their stories.  Some of these stories will make you cry and others will make you laugh but all will touch and inspire you.

Some amazing people have offered some great items for giveaways throughout the entire month, too.  Every giveaway can be entered with just a comment on how Breast Cancer has touched you personally or how one of the stories told here has inspired you.  But, a bonus entry will be given for donating to the Blogging For Boobs Susan G Komen donation page.  There is no minimum required amount and I will receive an email with each donation that’s made that will verify the bonus, Thank You, entry.

I am truly honored and grateful to be sharing all of these stories with y’all and I hope that these women will inspire you to take control, get tested, be aware and never ever take a single day for granted.

Here’s the Blogging For Boobs button and code if you’d like to add it to your blog and share what we’re doing here.


(p style=”text-align: center;”)(a href=””)(img src=”” border=”0″ alt=”Photobucket” /)(/a)(/p)

For some reason the code and I are fighting.. SO.. please use this code BUT replace all ( & ) with < & > thank you xoxo sorry.


  1. Great idea. =)
    I tried the code, but it’s not working. Any suggestions?
    .-= WackyMummy´s last blog ..The Forgotten Ones =-.

    1. I tried a different way of doing it.
      For some reason the way that I used to do it with text area isn’t working.. it keeps replicating itself…

      I emailed it to you and I’ve tried fixing it up there! THANK YOU for letting me know!
      🙂 Rachel

  2. Hi, I wandered onto your page…

    I love this! My mother is a breast cancer survivor and it absolutely touches me the way people respond to this cause. I will put your Blogging for Boobs button on my page too.

    And you have one new follower. 🙂
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..The Gods Must Be Crazy =-.

  3. Hmm, me again… do you know what else in the code should be changed? The button is not working. Thanks!
    .-= Michelle´s last blog ..The Gods Must Be Crazy =-.

  4. Lately, there has been quite a bit of controversy over the risks associated with mastectomies and if there should be requirements for those getting them. This clearly extends beyond the obvious–the controversy is more over double mastectomies for those that only have breast cancer risk in one breast or for those that get mastectomies simply because they are genetically predisposed. I am not sure what I would do in these cases–in fact, I would probably go ahead and get the surgeries myself.
    Still, many health professionals and women group leaders have been raising concerns over the increasing numbers of the mastectomies. Some wonder if our culture’s growing comfort with plastic/reconstructive surgery is a contributing factor.
    There is an interesting video on this at The video highlights a few different viewpoints on the issue and offers several sources. It’s worth watching if you have a few minutes:

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