blogging for boobs 250

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Every. Single. One. Of. Us.  Has in some way been touched by breast cancer.  Whether it was family, friend or our own life, we have felt it, we have seen it, we have lived it.

For me, it’s my Mother-In-Law, Debbie and Kim’s Mom and Michelle’s Mom and my friend Crystal’s mom and the list goes on and on.

Last year, I did one huge giveaway to drive traffic to my blog to raise money for breast cancer through Ad revenue.

This year, I am donating the entire month on my blog to Breast Cancer.  I have created a donation page: Blogging For Boobs on the Susan G. Komen Site where you can donate directly to the Susan G Komen foundation in memory, in triumph, in honor of someone or  simply because you want to help and you, like me and many others: Have Hope, Faith and Belief that there is a cure.

In October, my blog will turn pink.  That button up there: will be featured in my top Sidebar and will link directly to that donation page.  I have guest posters who will be telling their stories, sharing information, letters, tributes and more.

I have people who are donating items, goods, services, gift cards and more, so that I can do weekly giveaways.

If you want to be involved in any way, please email me:  MonkeysandprincessesATgmailDOTcom

Please join me in October and help me Raise Money, Awareness and hopefully get one step closer to the cure.


  1. Tell me how I can help. I don’t have much of a personal story, so I’m not sure how I could help, but tell me what you need and I’ll do it. My mother’s aunt died of early onset breast cancer and my paternal grandmother suffered breast cancer in her early 20s and had to have one breast removed…she was very private about it and none of her 4 children knew she only had one breast until after she died. When I was in 6th grade my mother found a lump in her breast, although it was benign, I’ll never forget how deeply afraid my brave mother was. When I was in my last year of college I was encouraged to get genetic testing by a wonderful gynecologist…to see if I carry genes for an extremely aggressive early onset breast cancer. I put her off for a while, telling her I didn’t want to know if I was a time bomb. I finally gave in and had the genetic testing and I was told I have an 85% chance of getting that very aggressive breast cancer before I’m 30. I decided not to obsess about it, I don’t want to live in fear, but I think of it every so often. I am humbled by the many strong women who have fought breast cancer, both those who’ve lived to tell about it and those who’ve succombed to the disease. Have you heard Melissa Ethridge’s song I Run for Life? It is about her breast cancer struggle and brings me to tears everytime I hear it. It also reminds me of my 39 year old cousin who died two summers ago from uterine cancer..she left behind her two young sons. Thank you for your attention to such an imporant issue.
    .-= Susan (woo222)´s last blog ..Hands =-.

  2. Good Job Rachael! For me, my Grandma, 2 blood related Aunts and my own Mother have struggled with breast cancer. Thankfully, all of them as still living and living well. I guess you could say I’m pretty high risk.
    .-= DesignHER Momma´s last blog ..Blogging 101 – Careful what you Title your Post. =-.

  3. {{Hugs}} to you for doing this…:)

    I lost my mom to breast cancer when I was 9 and she was just 38.

    She lost HER mom to breast cancer before she could walk.

    My sister is a 12 year survivor (in October).

    I hate it….

    So I love it when people devote themselves to the cause. I won’t be turning my blog into a boobblog all month ;), but I’ll definitely write about it. Thanks sweet friend.

    .-= Robin~PENSIEVE´s last blog ..Driving me CRAZY! =-.

  4. good for you… I did a big thing last year too… this year, I have ideas but I’m yet to nail them down. Nothing like procrastination. But it’s only July, right??? oh wait. Nevermind.
    .-= misty´s last blog ..My mornings rant… =-.

  5. I am going to email you– I’d love to help out! I’m walking in the Weekend to End Breast Cancer here in Indianapolis in two weeks! I am so excited, I can’t wait to give something back to all the wonderful women I know that have fought this horrible disease!

    I’m snagging your badge, too!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Shedding Light =-.

  6. I’m so happy to be a small part of what you’re doing – you know you’re a rock star, right?
    .-= Zoeyjane´s last blog ..On resurfacing =-.

  7. Hey there! How do I grab that code for the banner so I can put a link on my site too!?
    .-= HipM0M77´s last blog ..Gourmet marshmallows from Plush Puffs =-.

  8. The more I use the internet the more I understand that good sites are few and far between. This site is a gem shining out among the garbage. thank you so much, Paula Coates

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