If the title doesn’t rope you in….

I just don’t know.

The BlissDom conference is in Dallas in 2 weeks and while this is the 5th time I’ll be attending, this is the first time that I’ll be rooming with my sweet, darling friends and vlogging inspirations –  Jenny and Lu.  (That’s Jenny On The Spot and LucrecerDOTCOM)

As speakers, Community Leaders, longtime attendees, goobers, and roommates we thought we’d share a few Roommate Do’s and Don’ts with y’all.

I urge y’all to make sure your sense of humors and earphones are in place – there are 6 year old interlopers… talk of cycles and nudity and general hilarity.  It’s pretty much like being our roommate, without having to share a bed with us.



If you’re heading to BlissDom, please let me know!  I’d love to meet up with you!


  1. Y’all are so funny. I can’t wait to just see and watch you three at Blissdom. (that sounds weird….I promise I’m not a stalker). 😀

  2. One of these years I will make it… seems like I am always pregnant or nursing a newborn when its going on!!! Hope you have a fabulous time!

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