As you read this I will be:
A) on the road driving to San Antonio at the crack of dawn to fly to BlissDom (Holla at Mrs Flinger who is flying from Houston to Nashville with me!!!)
B) on a plane
C) going bananas over finally meeting all these amazing women
So my dad has been going through family pictures and scanning them onto his computer and every now and then he sends me pictures that make me smile, or tear up or even laugh out loud. The picture he sent me today, well…. ummm.
I really have no words for it:
There was a reason my gymnastics coach called me a Lion. There is no teasing there people, that was what my hair looked like. My mom would brush my hair and I would scream, many a comb lost their life in that mane.
My shopping tip for today: The Chi iron. The greatest thing to ever happen to my hair, because y’all… not that much has changed between that picture and today. I have the pink one and I love it, but my hairdresser she has the wet/dry Chi and it makes my hair look and feel like silk. I WANT. want. want. want.
People always ask if it’s worth the money. YES! It is worth the money, I went through about 4 of the ‘other’ brand irons from the stores and none even came close to the gloriousness of the Chi.
Don’t forget to comment and visit my three partners in the Shopping Spree love!! Marinka, OhMommy and ScaryMommy
And remember, commenting every day could send those Gift Cards your way!!!
Chi products = heaven sent. Wow, that is one heck of a mane!
Wow, that is some big hair! Mine was always limp and droopy!
Kristina’s latest brilianceI Heart Faces – Week 4 Contest
You just got to love when the old photos are brought out.
I love it!!
I have very very straight and thin hair, I would have died for hair like that! 🙂
spoiled mommy’s latest brilianceThe Eyes Have It ~ Adult
my step-mom solved this problem by keep me in a bowl haircut for most of my childhood
So funny! I hope you have fun at Blissdom!
Hey! I’m over from Marinka’s…. love the post! I am a devoted lover of the CHI flat-iron, too!!! A friend told me it was not to be viewed as a “luxury item” but as a “necessity” if I was going to start straightening my hair even semi-regularly. It is true– it is the best flat iron ever.
Have fun at Blissdom!!
Amysprite’s latest brilianceMath For Girls (Or For Anyone!) And More
Tell your hair stylist to get it for you at cost. She can do that you know. If she won’t then fire her…right now…..
Coco’s latest brilianceDELISH CREPES
Have a great time!
Love the Chi. Just wish I had more time to use it. Hence the ponytail, every. single. day.
amy’s latest brilianceThis is the peditrician, right?
I have naturally curly hair and have some AWFUL pictures from back in the day. My mom used to brush it all out and it was so pouffy!!!! It wasn’t until I got in my teens that I learned what to do with curls. But I’ve never gone the straightener route. I love curls!!
Tiffany’s latest brilianceIt’s A……
My daughter has the craziest blond curls. I use a product on her called “morning miracle” which is just a spray mousse of sorts. My son will come down in the morning, look at his sister and announce “she needs her morning sprinkles!” We call it Albert Einstein hair. Unreal. Hard enough to control my own let alone be responsible for 2 of us!
I went through some old pics from when I was little the other day at my mom’s house and whoa! My hair looked so bad! How did she ever send me to school like that?!
Aimee’s latest brilianceBrandon’s First basketball Game
Hope you’re having fun!
Qweenie’s latest briliancePhoto Hunt: Furry
Lioness! Very good of your dad to remind you 😉
I will google Chi products. They look miraculous. Maybe that’s where Marinka’s friend buys all of her step daughters uhm presents. (I am sure you read Marinkas post today, if not go read it so this makes sense.)
Elise’s latest brilianceNaughty Boy
Like we tell our sales people, “Can you put a price on beauty?”
okay now – were we twins and I didn’t know you existed?? My hair soooo looked like – but it was BRIGHT RED!!!! I keep hearing about this CHI – but not sure if I want to fork over the $150 for it. Will it help with my split ends from all the blow drying??
I have the CHI and I love love love it too!
Have a ball!
Me’s latest brilianceTantrums are the "new black." Or at least, that’s what my 3rd child told me.
Oh, my flat iron and I are BFFs! My hair is exactly the same. I affectionately refer to my hair as my mane!
Krystyn’s latest brilianceWhat does he think?
Cute picture!
Have a great time at Blissdom!
Amy’s latest brilianceGrace’s pictures
Have fun at blissdom…can’t wait to hear all about it!!
i want the chi too. and those shoes you posted yesterday. i know what you mean when it comes to the mane so i got to have chi.
To me the best thing about old photos is that we can all relate! I have many a bad hair pics too. Too fun.
simply anonymom’s latest brilianceWordful Wednesday (a bit of a video)
Oh my…yesterday it was shoes and now what is this Wet/Dry Chi…now I want that too!!! I could not live without my Chi, luckily enough my dad’s ex girlfriend was a hair stylist gave it to me for Christmas but when it goes I am so going to have to buy a new one!!!!
Meredith’s latest brilianceTwisted
Wow…that’s a lot of hair!
Ronda’s Rants’s latest brilianceIt’s Just A Number and There is Only 24 Hours to a Day!
My sister has gone through many a crappy flat iron trying to tame “the beast.” Little does she know I am envious of her curly mane.
Renny’s latest brilianceNew Year’s Resolutions
I remember that my hair could look neat on top but would be a mass of knots underneath. I HATED havng my mother brush those out. OUCH. Of course, now I can’t imaging how I lived like that….
Kate Coveny Hood’s latest brilianceRandom Guest Post from Chris Hood
My hair was Roseanne Rosannadanna. All photos were burned to protect the innocent and embarrassed.
Pick Me!
swirl girl’s latest brilianceThe One With the Puffy Heart
And now? I’m coveting a CHI.
Have fun!
Trenches of Mommyhood’s latest brilianceMy Grandma Ceil
um…wow! That sure was a head of hair! LOL I love the pajamas with the slit looking thing up the side as well. ha ha!
I will have to look into the chi thing you mentioned. I’ve never even heard of it!
OMG, I’m soooo jealous! Have a great time at BlissDom!
FL Coco’s latest brilianceThousand Words Thursdays
Wow. I used to despise my straight hair, but now I guess I can appreciate it.
Only my hairstylist can blow my hair straight and get it looking beautiful. When I do it is a big ball of frizz. I do have a flat iron but it just is not the same. You are hilarious!
Michele’s latest brilianceMelt my heart
Dude! That is some serious hair! A friend pulled out some pics from college when we had a mini-reunion at a wedding; I don’t know what I was thinking with my hair and clothes. Did I look in a mirror before leaving the dorm?
avonlea’s latest brilianceA Morning in the Life
Amen to the Chi. I seriously think its the best invention of all time. And I want a wet/dry SOOOOO badly!!!
Domestic Goddess (in training)’s latest brilianceWho would wipe your butt?
I 2nd the salute to the Chi!!!! LOVE it. Although, I also LOVED my cremper back in the day 🙂
The Chi is definately a MUST HAVE item! TOTALLY WORTH THE MONEY! No other brands will do!
Michelle’s latest brilianceYOU HAVE TO SEE THIS:
Chi is the best hands down! (A wet/dry? I need to investigate that.)
And Lord Princess looks JUST like you!! It could be a picture of her!
Amy @ Milk Breath & Margaritas’s latest brilianceBlissdom 09: Nashville Shopping
That is some serious white girl ‘fro. Wow. If that Chi tames that I might have to look into it.
skiplovey’s latest brilianceNot a picture of me in a bikini
If I had had hair like that growing up I would have just lived with it. But then I’m lazy and I’m sure I could have worked it like a super stylish ah who am I kidding I would have been the laughing stock of my small town. Glad you found something that works for you
I wish I needed the CHI… hair is stick straight!!
Lisa’s latest brilianceThe Man Of The House and The Uninvited Guest
I LOVE that hair.
angie’s latest brilianceStreusel topped banana bread
That is awesome! Hope you have a blast at BlissDom!
Tara R.’s latest brilianceIf it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
That is a head of hair that is a dream come true for Locks of Love!
you rock. (heh two words suckit).
Wow, I totally thought that you had just taken braids out or something. Thank goodness for great inventions like irons and chemicals to make us all look put together and beautiful.
Susan’s latest brilianceIntruder
OMGosh! Shut the front door!! I’ve never heard of a wet/dry Chi!! I use my Chi pretty much everyday, love it!
Can’t wait to hear your stories and see pics from BlissDom, hope you’re having fun!
Leslie’s latest brilianceA Thousand Words Thursday
K, totally had hair like sheep wool when I was little. I got a CHI for Christmas and I luff it. That’s all. 🙂
My hair looked pretty close to yours when I was younger.
That is AWESOME hair LOL!
have a great time at Blissdom!
That looks nice. I’m hair styling challenged. I can’t try basic style on my hair.
Give me some tips make my hair style rocking.