Oh yes, I DID!
I  #hashtagged in a TITLE!

One week from today I’ll be on a plane back to Nashville to attend my THIRD Blissdom Conference.

Back to the amazing Opryland Hotel, back to the place filled with my people.

The place where my girl, Mishi, took this picture of me, the picture which pretty much summed up Blissdom 2010 for me.

Last year, I shared a bit of the Food that we enjoyed at Blissdom 2010 and I wrote about The State of My Heart after Blissdom 2010

This year, y’all should expect more pictures and more tweets

I have my cards in hand and I’m so excited to hug old friends and new, to strengthen the bonds of old relationships,  form new ones and to dive headfirst into the world of my people: bloggers, social media enthusiasts, foodies, photographers and those to whom no niche can describe 😉

I am ready, ready to learn, to laugh, to giggle until my stomach hurts, to stay up late with my amazingly talented roomieMaile and Me

to eat AH-MAZING food and talk about it in depth with people who get my food love and passion. #fooddorks FTW :)!

Dessert at Volare (tiramisu)

Tiramisu, Blissdom 2010

and to just soak in the beauty, the bliss and the enjoyment of this spectacular conference and the truly passionate and powerful and life changing people who will be in attendance.

So, here’s the thing.

This – is me

me cooking

I’m one of the #foodtribe leaders for Blissdom 2010 along with my dear friend and fellow food and photography loving friend, Heather, of Home-Ec 101.

We’re leading the Food Workshop on Wednesday, hosting a round table on Saturday morning and we’re the #FoodTribe mentors for the Foodies for the whole, entire conference.  Have questions, need advice, guidance, directions 😉  We’re your girls!

  • Tweet us:  @sthrnfairytale and @heathersolos
  • Come join our Blissful Foodies Flickr Group! Upload your pictures and join the conversation! And y’all — PLEASE, if you link photos 😉 don’t leave us drooling 😉 link to the recipe URL too!!!!
  • Are you attending our Food Niche Wisdom Workshop? Let us know!!  Is there something you’re just dying to know, a topic we just HAVE to touch on?  This is your chance!  Tell us in the comments!

Can’t WAIT y’all!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can see all the communities and what it’s all about here on the Blissdom Conference Page

If you’re going to Blissdom and aren’t Foodies — STILL SAY HI!  I’d love to get to know you before the conference!

Can’t wait to meet all of y’all!!


  1. Having now made the world’s best hot chocolate – and failed mightily at my first chicken parm attempt – but succeeding wildly in the second one – the success due to you. And because everything you write drips with the honey of encouragement, warmth, and kindness – I am very much looking forward to meeting you at Blissdom.

    P.S. This is the only “foodie” blog I may ever read.

Talk to me!

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