I can’t seem to come up with the words yet, they are jumbling around in my head, swirling and twirling and fighting for space; fighting for the chance to come out in a cacophony of squeals and sighs and laughter and love and tears and joy.

My amazing heart sister Mishi took this picture and I think it sums it up:

Oh my friends, my new friends, my old friends.. the ones whom my heart knew at first glance.

In speaking with my dad about the relationships and the power of what we share, he made an observation.  This internet, this blogging, this sharing that we do in our unparalleled community, it has changed the path of generations.

My mom has these friends, she’s known them her whole life, they can be separated by miles and years and the moment they’re in the room together… they pick up a conversation that never ended, as if years, miles and lives had never changed, passed or altered.

That is what I experience with those friends who know my heart, who read my words and I theirs.

We have changed the landscape because although our physical selves are separated by hundreds if not thousands of miles, our hearts are but a beat apart.  Our words and pictures sharing and bypassing all preconceived rituals and notions.

When we arrive at that moment when we spot each other and all breath, all time stops; it is at that moment that our hearts sigh “yes”, our eyes fill with tears and our voices and joy reach the heavens.

I know you.


  1. I don’t know you personally, but I’m enjoying getting to know you through your site. Your dad’s observation is right on and although you said you couldn’t find the words I think you summed it up perfectly. Blissdom was amazing, an amazing reflection of what we all have thanks to our online communities! Here’s to friendship…where ever we find it!

  2. This is what I love most. The Knowing. Knowing each other’s hearts before we ever know each others faces. Big Puffy Heart Hug to you my Sister Friend.

  3. LoveLove. You know how I feel.
    .-= Secret Agent Mama/Mishelle´s last blog ..Blissdom 365 Shots =-.

  4. Yes! That’s it! I always say meeting blog friends isn’t like meeting people at all. They already *know* me. So, I won’t tell you how awesome it was to meet you last week. I’ll simply say, I love real life hugs!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..22. Visit Las Vegas. =-.

  5. I’m so proud to be a part of this “unparalleled community,” and all the amazing people it includes. As sad as I was to leave Blissdom, how awesome is it to know that we are all just a click away? That we can read each other’s words, make each other’s food, see through each other’s lenses whenever we need to remember. I big puffy heart love you, too!
    .-= Angie @ Just Like The Number´s last blog ..Coming Alive at Blissdom 2010 =-.

    1. YES! and thank you for not smacking me for how long it took me to realize who you were!!!!
      You are an unparalleled doll and I’m thrilled to count you amongst my friends.

    1. *sigh* our table for Kevin’s speech, huge bonding. I couldn’t have asked for better table mates to sniffle and laugh and nod with.

      YOU. just YOU. <3

  6. You’re even more of a superstar in real life than I expected. It was a highlight to meet you, get a hug, and talk about Texas.
    .-= Rebecca at Toothwhale´s last blog ..BlissDom ’10: Who I met =-.

    1. I blush.
      I can’t tell you how much it made my day to have you walk up and introduce yourself. I adore you in blogland and even more so now. You are a beautiful person both in your words and in person.
      Thank YOU. Just, Thank you

  7. Your dad is a smart man.

    I was sitting getting a pedicure with a group of girls. We were laughing and teasing back and forth and making complete fools of ourselves. There was an older lady in the salon that asked one of the girls how we all knew each other and how long we had been friends. My friend laughed and said, “We just all met for the first time yesterday, but we are bloggers.” The lady couldn’t believe it. She said that she has a group of girlfriends that gets together and acts similarly, but they had been meeting regularly for over 40 years.

    And then we all hugged…of course.

    OH! How I wish I could have been there.
    .-= Texasholly´s last blog ..Color Value =-.

    1. I am SO tickled and flattered at what you said to me, and that you graciously took the time to come introduce yourself. I know that I rarely am ever quiet 😉 heh.. so, I really appreciate it 😉
      You are a beautiful woman with a gorgeous spirit and blog and I am thrilled to know you and have a face and person to put with the words.

  8. I agree! Even though I am the shy one, just sitting back and taking it all in, I really enjoyed Blissdom. I loved seeing you speak on the panel as well and you did great at Tastemakers.

  9. I absolutely cherish those few times we got to talk just the two of us. And I’m so proud of you for winning the Tastemaker challenge! I had a blast! I hope we don’t have to wait a year to see each other again but as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder!

  10. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    You live life to the full, lovie, and that draws everyone you meet into you :). Your words here are spot on, and poetically so! You KNOW I love that part! Know the only thing I don’t like about Blissdom? With 500 girlieQs to meet & hug, it’s hard to spend QUANITY time with anyone!

    You’re one of those “anyones” I coulda laughed with forevah!

    .-= Robin ~ PENSIEVE´s last blog ..On honor and in-laws: a different kind of love story =-.

  11. I have not been blogging long, and have never attended a blog conference. However, I have already made some amazing friends. Friends that I wish I could meet in person. Friends that have been there for me when I was going through a rough patch. Friends that I wish were my neighbors so we could gather in our jammies for coffee. I hope one day I am blessed to meet these special friends in real life. Until then, I will continue to be happy just knowing them through their words.

    1. Thank YOU for being the amazing YOU.
      I’m so glad that you stepped outside of your comfort zone and that you had such a great time. You’d never have known that you were anything BUT comfortable!

  12. I do declare.. I think that is almost perfection right there. Amazing post. How did you get in my head? So good to meet you and now able to call you a Blissdom chick!
    .-= Dedra´s last blog ..the lingering bliss of Blissdom 2010 =-.

    1. I love that so many of us left there with similar feelings and joy 🙂
      Thank you for the compliment and I’m thrilled to call you friend, too 🙂

    1. I remember getting chills the first time that I read the section from Anne of Green Gables where she describes kindred spirits.
      I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve read that book and the ones that followed. I love, love Anne of Green Gables.

  13. Great post! I’m so lucky to be a part of such an amazing community. I’m still so bummed I wasn’t able to make it to Nashville. I will be in NY in August and will not be missing Blissdom in 2011!!!
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..Top Ten {Tuesday} – Television =-.

        1. You totally made sense. Did my response sound as if you didn’t? My bad.
          I’m a total rambler, yay.. ramblers unite.
          No, I loved the parallel.. bloggers and pen pals have so many similarities.. both use their words to bond their hearts and erase the miles, friendships forged through the strength of our hearts.

          1. I’m laughing. At myself. You didn’t sound like you didn’t get it. I just over-analyzed my original comment when it came with your response per email. I wondered if it seemed like I was saying I have pen pals NOW and so that’s how I was imagining Blissdom to be, a place to meet my current pen pals. But I meant bloggers. But you knew that…sigh….Yes, yes. Ramblers unite.

            Miss Thinks Too Much And Should Stop That
            .-= Heather of the EO´s last blog ..Work (In which I’m terribly random and weird) =-.

  14. I may not have been there in Nashville, but I know you.

    I love you.

    I will forever be your friend. THAT I know for sure.

    …i have something in my eye…
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..Yes, I used “piqued” =-.

  15. That is BY FAR the best part of a conference…being with people who really know you!!

    I was so pleased to meet you! But next time, we are hanging out for sure!!!!

  16. You are so precious, Rachel. 🙂 I am so glad that you had a wonderful weekend!
    .-= Heather´s last blog ..Ask Away =-.

  17. How, how perfectly you wrote out all my thoughts. I should have just linked to you after Blissdom. ‘Here is how I feel, but she wrote it better, so read this.’

  18. Wow. It took ne fifteen minutes to scroll to through the comments to be able to leave my own.

    What a fabulous use of words! One day I hope to go to one of these things, but I have been to similar things and felt similar feelings. Isn’t it funny. The world only seems big!
    .-= Lindsaydianne´s most recent blog ..Sexually Transmitted Infections =-.

    1. LOL ;0) I think there are more real comments on this post than any I’ve ever written and that means the world to me. I love knowing that my own feelings resonate so deeply with others.

      I’m glad that you’ve had similar experiences and I hope that you make it to a blogging con that fits you; it’s an amazing, blog/life changing experience.

      I’ve been blessed enough to attend 2 BlissDoms, 1 BlogHer and 1 Mom 2.0

      all amazing.

  19. Your love of life is absolutely infectious. Sharing a room at Mom 2.0 was tons of fun! Can’t wait to see you again 🙂
    .-= Erica Mueller´s most recent blog ..Trackle.com – Find It. Track It. Share It. 60-day Free Trial =-.

  20. Every word you wrote here, so true. I have had this feeling a million times over with the people that I know “know” me. <3

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