

Panel of OzSome


Notes From a Session


onion rings at Findley's




jana and amy ::pure bliss::




alli and MA


Jim and Kat

 Bliss Bliss Kiss Kiss

Sarah and Chris Mann

The Memories


BlissDom ’11 from Blissful Media Group on Vimeo.

Why Blissdom?Β  Because of everything you see in those images and that video and more.

Because after months and years online, to hug, hold hands with, laugh with, cry with and share experiences with the people whose hearts you’ve come to know so well – you’ll never ask why again.

I’m thrilled to be attending Blissdom for the FOURTH year in a row and excited to be a Food Community Leader again.Β  You can find me squee’ing – y’all-ing, laughing, hugging, talking and eating all over the Opryland hotel πŸ™‚Β  If you want to find me during the sessions πŸ˜‰Β  I’m stoked to announce that I’m a Community Leader during Friday Morning’s Shoot Like A Woman session with the amazing Me Ra Koh – Saturday Morning’s Storytelling Photography Session with the wonderful Diane Cu and Saturday’s Life Development Session Stop Monetizing Joy with the incomparable Alli Worthington and the adorable and brilliant Erin Loechner .Β  I can’t wait to learn, share, grow, develop, laugh and be mesmerized with y’all!!!!

all images by me from Blissdom 2009 – 2010Β  and 2011Β  (except the video)


  1. I love the pictures and the memories associated with them πŸ™‚ So glad to be sharing a third year with you and so many other Blissdom friends!!

    1. This time tomorrow I’ll be getting ready to go to the airport to HEAD to Nashville! Save some fun for me, K? Can’t wait to see you, friend! A year is just too long.

    1. I STILL remember that and cherish all the memories from that Blissdom and every other time we’ve been able to be together since. Love you, friend! See you TOMORROW!!!!!

  2. Good times, great friends, and the best onion rings to ever grace this earth. I can’t wait to do it all again (let’s for the sake of argument assume that they brought the onion rings back after we lamented in such dramatic fashion when we found out they no longer served them).

  3. Looks like a BLAST! It’s so nice to be able to reconnect with those we know so well online…hope we get to meet one day girl!! Have a great time πŸ™‚

  4. I am glad you all had a geat time once again but as an outsider looking in at Blissdom .com. I cant help but think that there is something a mist here. How does one get invoved., it it by invitation only.

    1. It’s absolutely not invite open πŸ™‚ It’s open to anyone and everyone who wants to attend – you just have to buy a ticket when they go on sale and get it before they sell out!

  5. Heya just wanted to give you a brief heads up and let you know a few of the images aren’t loading correctly. I’m not
    sure why but I think its a linking issue. I’ve tried it in two different browsers and both show the same outcome.

Talk to me!

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