Blankity Blank Blank
No, not bad words. That’s my brain
There’s nothing there.

Yard work all day long
Mow, pressure wash, clean, clean, clean
Make it kid friendly

Spider webs and weeds
cover the backyard and swings
90 degrees out

setting up the pool
cleaning off the swings and slide
Texas heat is here

Brisket is cooking
Potatoes ready to cut
Corn ready to grill

So there’s my haiku
Jennifer’s will be better
Others will be too

Seriously, Jennifer’s are always better as are the other super women and men who participate in Haiku Friday. So get on over there and show some love or linky loo and you can play, too.


  1. Nice poem! Busy day.
    Love to send them out to play!
    Rain here…too grey.
    No Haiku
    From me to you.

    Pax, EJT

  2. I’m with Bren. We could be there in about 8 hours. Can you throw another hunka meat on for us? I am so happy to FINALLY see some 80 degree weather. I’ve said for weeks, it’s like we were a month behind…March acted like Feby, April acted like March…now May acting like April. Where is the heat?

  3. I haven’t been able to do my yard work yet. Every time I’m available, it is raining or snowing. Ick.

  4. I thought that was pretty darn good and maybe because I could sooooooo relate to every word – BOY was it HOT here today – SCORCHING!!

    Hope you have a good weekend, Rachel and have a wonderful Mother’s Day – see you soon – Kellan

  5. If I lived closer….I could come and beg for some of that yummy food!

    Loved your “Ku 🙂 Mine always take forever to write (counting on my fingers for hours).

    Have a great mother’s day weekend!

  6. I’m so sure your mind is never blank…You’re too smart for that.

    Happy Mother’s Day to you!

  7. I’ve had those days, too. But at least it isn’t as hot today as it was earlier in the week. 🙂

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