I love appetizers.

I love foods that are full of flavor, eaten with your hands and often messy.

Black Bean and Sweet Corn Pico de Gallo

I’m a connoisseur of buffalo wings, salsas, queso, quesadillas, onion dips, pico de gallo, bacon wrapped jalapeno poppers, cream cheese stuffed peppers and more.

I love the food that is easily prepared, easily eaten, finger lickin’ delicious and fun.

When trying to come up with an additional, quick and delicious recipe for our football gathering today, this is what I came up with.

Fresh lime juice, heady cilantro, sweet corn, black beans, jalapenos and fragrant cumin combine to create a delicious chilled and simple appetizer.

Open one (15 oz) can of black beans, drain and rinse

black beans rinsing

add in one (15 oz) can of sweet corn (drained)


The juice of 3 limes,Β  1/2 C chopped cilantro, 1 Tbsp cumin, 2 (10 oz) cans of tomatoes and green chilies (drained), 1/2 C finely chopped red onion, and one diced jalapeno

limes, cilantro and red onions

Combine all ingredients and put in the refrigerator to chill for 2 hours


Here’s what you need to do.Β  RESIST opening your refrigerator over and over and over just so that you can smell the delicious scent of limes and cilantro and cumin.

Do NOT sneak spoonfuls of this pico de gallo because if you do, there won’t be any left over for your friends.

black bean pico

And trust me, if they find out that you’ve made this and didn’t share — you’ll be in trouble πŸ™‚



  1. This recipe (or close to it) is a favorite around our house! Sometimes we’ll even put it on a flour tortilla, add pieces of avocado and make it into a burrito. Yum-O!

  2. I have a similar salsa recipe without the Ro-tel, I’ll have to try adding that next time. This is not just a delicious dish, it’s pretty too.

  3. Wow, A new spin on an old favorite. I’ve forever had a love affair with pico de gallo. Never thought about adding black beans and corn. This is etched in my memory for the next time I make some.

  4. What gorgeous photos! I make almost this same recipe. One of my absolute favorites! I can definitely relate to what you said about not tasting it or you won’t have any left. The first time I made this I ate almost all of it before I put it in the fridge. Now I always make sure to make a double batch.
    Thanks for hosting. I am linking up with Mediterranean Eggplant.

  5. Is it weird that I have this big aversion to black beans? I’ve never been able to make myself taste them. I’m so weird and wish I’d get over it, cuz your pico de gallo does look yummy! πŸ™‚

  6. I just love making this! Minus the onions of course! Oh, and sometimes I add avocado.

    Picture question. Were you using a flash in your action shots, or do you have tons of lighting in your kitchen. I guess I’m just curious what your settings were, if you don’t mind. I’m terrible at action shots.

  7. Appetizers are the best! Football and appetizers just go so well together. I posted my recipe for a jalapeno popper dip that I make for game day. Its very good!

    Beautiful pictures, by the way!

  8. Hi Rachel, your photos for the black bean pico de gallo are amazing! I love how you got the water drops to stand out on the beans! Very cool! I am linking up one of my favorite family desert recipes, my mom’s apple cake, which i revised slightly to make it healthier and it turned out great! All the best! Alex

  9. Looks scrumptious!! I make something similar to this that we call ‘Cowboy Caviar’ in my home. I’m with you on the appetizers – just can’t ever seem to get enough of them. Well, that and dessert, lol.

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