That’s right. After months of ‘We don’t knows’ and ‘Everything is fine on our end’ and 2 more days of no internet…. TWC has decided they have to send out a technician to get me back online…. Tuesday … sometime. Yes, please can I put my whole life on hold for an entire day so that blasted roadrunner can come meep meeping his way through my world again. Ugh. This is being written on my Palm Centro. So apparently: ‘Ask Miss Bliss’ is being put on hold again as is my sanity and my ability to pay bills. Bite me you Meep Meeping mascot having company. Anyone have any experience with Clearwire? I will probably be curled in fetal position come Tuesday, shaking and mumbling incoherently with 9000 posts in my reader. Dammit all. *sigh* I miss Y’all already.


  1. Where the heck is Wyle E. Coyote when you need him? He could get some Acme dynamite and blow those suckers up!
    I hope you’re back online soon.

  2. Wow. That sucks. I hope you are back online soon…

    Ya, methinks you need Wile E. to take the bird down for ya… imagine how great that would be for a competitor to have HIM as their mascot?

  3. Don’t you feel like they cut off one of your hands when you don’t have internet? Hope they figure it all out for you very soon!

  4. I would call and ask for the retention department. Demand a refund and a reduced rate for 6 months or you’ll cancel.

    Can’t wait until you’re back!

  5. Good luck, you will probably have to wait a while, we always do and then the tech will show up at the most inconvenient time of the day!

    We miss you, The Park Wife

  6. I know I’m seriously behind here, but I thought you might benefit from a couple of little suggestions:

    1. Immortal Mat. and the others who suggest demanding a credit and/or a rate reduction are totally right. I do that all the time and get it. Unless of course they get there and find out a mouse chewed through the wire in your attic. I’m not usually into critter killing, but in this case… bye-bye mousie. ;o)

    2. Next time give them your cell phone number and instructions to call you at least 1 hour prior to their arrival. They do it for me. That way I’m not tethered to the house fretting over every car door that slams.

    Anywho – glad you are back. Hopefully you won’t ever need to worry about it again. OK, so we can dream, can’t we???

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