Happy Wednesday, y’all! Welcome to Day 12 of

Hope y’all have been enjoying all the deliciousness that these wonderful guest posters have been sharing!

I’m so excited to introduce today’s guest poster – Katrina, from In Katrina’s Kitchen!  She is an absolutely lovely person, and has a delicious food blog that will leave you drooling and inspired! Make sure you stop by her blog today and say Hi and enter to win the wonderful giveaway we’ve got going on!!!

Don’t forget to stop by According 2 Kelly to get some Craft inspiration and Skip To My Lou for your daily does of Sewing inspiration, plus the links to the other 2 amazing giveaways we have going on!!!


Hi! I’m Katrina from In Katrina’s Kitchen. If you hop over to my blog you’ll see that dessert is always served first so I’m happy to be sharing one of my favorite holiday sweets with you today.
Peanut butter buckeyes are a tradition in my family. In fact I am still using the recipe that my husband’s grandmother wrote down from her friend Olga in 1963. Even more than the delicious recipe I love the tradition of it all. Every November I get together with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law and we spend the whole day mixing, rolling, dipping, and catching up with one another. We make over 900 of these little buckeyes as the day passes into evening. {Yep 900!!}
This year was a little different because my son was diagnosed with a peanut allergy last winter and we are all learning how to welcome the holidays peanut free. One way I have continued baking our favorites through the year is by substituting Biscoff spread in my favorite peanut butter recipes. I have a slight obsession with this sweet creamy alternative. You won’t miss the peanut butter in these truffles and I’m sure that this little twist will delight your taste buds! **I purchase Biscoff at Super Wal-Mart in the peanut butter aisle.**
Further proof of my Biscoff obsession:


1 lb butter, softened

3 lbs powdered sugar

1 Tablespoon vanilla

16 oz Biscoff

Milk chocolate for dipping (approximately 3 cups)

Directions:1.   Mix butter, sugar, and vanilla until creamy. Add Biscoff and incorporate until smooth. (This is all best done with your hands.)

2.   Roll into balls and dip into melted milk chocolate.

** You may need to incorporate just a bit more powdered sugar to make the rolling less sticky.

**These freeze well!

Katrina is a wife and mom in a house full of boys who like to eat. Join her at In Katrina’s Kitchen where dessert is always served first. ♥ You can connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+, and Pinterest.

Don’t miss any of the previous deliciousness!  You can see the first 11 recipes of the Holiday Bake, Craft, Sew Along here.


  1. bahahhaahahahha, I love that we think so alike!!! Last week I sent this recipe off to be featured on Time Out For Women the first of december. That, is hilarious. Great minds…

  2. I’ve been avoiding Biscoff spread for the longest time. I know it’s going to be delicious and I’m going to eat the whole jar myself. But it might be time to face my fear and try it. Your Biscoff recipes sound too fun and delicious to pass up. Wish me luck! 😉

  3. As some have asked about the amount of powdered sugar…My thighs wish it were a typo, but no you read correctly. My mother-in-law and I used 3 one pound bags of powdered sugar to make about 100 truffles. You can of course scale this recipe down to fit your needs. We freeze the truffles and use them all winter long for parties and gift-giving.

  4. Thank you so much for posting this! I developed a peanut allergy as an adult. Let me tell you, no longer being able to have peanut butter is torture. And I can substitute other nut butters because of a lifelong tree nut allergy. Biscoff spread became my new best friend several years ago and I am always excited to find new recipes using it!

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